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About Trogdor

  • Birthday 08/05/1993

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    Los Alamos

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  1. thanks for the advice on the bund, will get right on it! also just orederd new greeblies so ill get that all taken care of soon.
  2. The force is strong with you my friend, good eye! It appears off center becuase the top ridge of my bucket got all jacked up somehow, its difficuilt to notice, so ive decided to leave it until i get some extra time.
  3. haha i was noticing that too, im pretty sure the problem is a combination of me putting too much foam, and at the time the foam handnt adjusted yet (its memory foam so eventually it looks alittle better) but ill tak abit of that stuff out for sure.
  4. OK! thanks for help, hopefully i did it right.
  5. aaannd now i feel like a noob, i thought the attachment would be a pic like in all the other threads so can i ask how to get these pics online?
  6. Well almost a year after i decided i was gunna do this, here i am! Couldnt have done it without Cal, Marcel, and some of my close friends. Its almost done, besides the cummerbund being a little tall, whatcha guys think? 2.tiff
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