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Gero_am last won the day on April 15 2012

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About Gero_am

  • Birthday 04/18/1990

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  1. There is a post with all the vendors recomended. Everyone recomend Marcel boots http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=4951 you can Pm him (the upper link is his) or send him an email. this is the direction posted in the forum m.prag@ntlworld.com good luck
  2. excellent idea! and the pad doesn't see when you use it I spouses
  3. Thank you Jeff!! is a hard work what you gonna do. It's really grate to know there is people like you thinking in help us.
  4. nice work, I think you going in the good way. don't forget to paint the gray bar in the chest. and the boots looks really good
  5. I think if you can take photos of the entire process, that's wold be awesome. if you make a video... you gonna be like a god for the beginners like me
  6. excellent work! and thanks for the idea
  7. Congratulations! looks like a hard work. but the final product looks awesome
  8. if you want a fiberglass helmet because is stronger, you can buy an ABS kit and cover with fiberglass from the inside. I'm thinking to do on the complete armor this to prevent breaks
  9. for the future, I'm thinking to attach the holster with magnets and put the rivet only visual. doing this you can change the holster if broken and have the boot perfect. IMPORTANT I don't now if that is valid
  10. it's really important remember this, NEVER glue cloth
  11. bien venido, espero puedas disfrutar del foro y aprender mucho a pesar de q no sepas ingles. no es asi como perfecto, pero el traductor de google te puede safar un poco mucha suerte
  12. men, that looks grate, an excellent work
  13. thanks, I think I gonna do it just like you, attached with velcro from the inside part of the bunn
  14. that's the topic i was looking for sorry if I mis something you say, but, to have the things clear (for Lancer costume). is important if the pouch attach on the bound or in the chest? Looking how they movie in the movie, I think that is on the bound... but I prefer to ask
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