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501st Legion (RET)
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theisaac last won the day on September 3 2015

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About theisaac

  • Birthday 12/20/1972

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  • 501st Garrison
    Dune Sea Garrison
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  1. Thanks for the comments. I knew the general answers, but hearing them from others gives me more confidence, so thank you. It's a nice feeling to see the community here alive and well with new scouts (new to me), jumping in and being part of it all. I'm just now learning of our loss so I'm feeling extra thankful and how much I appreciate this club and all of you.
  2. Measured the height of the cummerbund and yes, it's too long unless I Kylo it out and pull it up under my armpits. and the flightsuit is a good four inches too wide. The sewing job for the suit would be well out of my comfort level with a sewing machine. Has anyone had an issue like this and had a successful fix from going to an alteration shop? Second, Can I pull off leaving the bund at the current height and just sew the pouches on it where they should line up so I keep that 8-9 inch illusion happening with the excess fabric up under the chest armor? Thanks, Isaac
  3. Thanks Corey. Seriously, I appreciate you sharing your experiences with this. I "think" the length is still OK. Emphasis on "think". I had the cummerbund made by someone here on BSN. It's been awhile but I think he was on BSN command staff and made Boots and Cummerbunds based out of the UK. Now that my stomach doesn't stick out as far as it did when I measured it, in theory it'll be longer than it should be. I'll suit up in the jumpsuit shortly and get a better idea at what I need to fix. The jumpsuit is going to be baggy now too. I know I'll need to fix the belt as well. (Just thinking out loud as I type). My sewing skills are good enough to remove the velcro and fold the ends inside to bring it in. I wouldn't know the first thing about how to fix the jump suit, unless after we look at the pictures we think I can just do the trick I did when I was approved: Turn the suit inside out and sew the thighs and arms in a crease making them fit tighter. I might be out of luck on the way it fits in the chest and shoulders. I'll get some pictures taken and I'd love any feedback I can get. Thanks!
  4. Hey friends, I haven't trooped in quite awhile. I had a little video go viral last year and that took up a majority of my free time. I also dropped about 50lbs since I was approved as a TB. Today, I had a few minutes to look at what I've got and see what I can fix to make my current rig work. The first issue I'm seeing is the bund wraps around a bit more than would be acceptable. full size image here (https://image.ibb.co...ec/IMG_0900.jpg) Has anyone "taken in" a cummerbund before? Is it worth trying or should I just look into getting a new one made? Looking for any advice I can get. Thanks! Isaac
  5. Good luck with the build. Take your time and enjoy it. You only build your first kit once
  6. I have a CB, KS, and an Altmann. The Altmann is my favorite hands down. I'm selling the CB and the KS because the Altmann looks and feels the best on my frame. Look up Spike and he can hook you up. If you have the funds and the patience - You can try to get one of the RS props helmets (they took a year to ship after paying for them).
  7. Can someone post pics of their RS helmet? I've wanted to see them since C7 when Dickey had that example helmet. I'm curious how the production lids turned out. Thanks!
  8. I have a KS, Alt, and CUC. KS is smallest ALT fits me the best and its perfect CUC is big and heavy but it looks good. I'm 6'0, 240lbs, with a big head. Hope that helps. Sorry to bump a thread from 3 months ago
  9. I had to heat and widen the chest, back, shoulders on mine. Mickey is 100% right. Take your time and heat slowly. I used a heat gun but I've seen people use blow dryers. Make sure you shape wearing the coveralls, vest, etc. You'll get the best results that way. Also, have a friend hold the heat gun and you can shape on your body. Good luck, Isaac
  10. I'm 6 foot and 240 lbs. My Altmanns fits perfectly. Good choice.
  11. I can't say enough good things about Spike's helmets. You'll love it too.
  12. I hot glued foam from joanns in mine. You can make the liner from Kevin work if you trip the top strap so the holes line up on the sides though. I personally didn't like how it felt so I went back to foam. Grats on the Altmann. It's a dream helmet.
  13. I have a fan and a mic setup in mine. I use a fan in the snout pointing up towards my lens. I switched to a throat mic so there is no breathing / fan issues with it. Best advice would be trial and error on weekends you're not trooping. best of luck!
  14. I'd go with the SC or the Altmanns as well with a lean towards SC. I own an Altmanns and I LOVE it, but it might look big if you have a small frame. Best thing you can do is hit up local scouts in your area and ask if you can try their helmets and see how they look on you if at all possible. If that's not an option, you'll be fine with SC or Altmanns. Good luck
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