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501st Pathfinder
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DarthShlomo last won the day on March 17 2024

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About DarthShlomo

  • Birthday December 21

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    United States

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  • 501st Garrison
    New England
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. I see that now. They didn't even try to blend it in, did they. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  2. Good to know. I guess I never noticed it. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  3. His new stuff is 2mm ABS. I've talked to people who have the newer ones and they've had nothing but praise. Not to mention it looks like he fixed the shipping issues he was having a while back. I bought it off his Etsy store with PayPal, so I'm protected either way. And his communication has been super fast. So no complaints there. I'll prob add an RS to my collection as well for my next one. Just because! https://www.etsy.com/listing/276805062/star-wars-biker-scout-trooper-helmet-kit?ref=shop_home_active_2&fbclid=IwAR2_ZT6MfKSWOWQXvzOAspQN0jNyVctgYx5G5Ip5zONkIJbVy2bBpyNQABs
  4. A CucBlack kit actually. Same construction method. Not sure it comes with the join strips, though. But I have some extra laying around. Will prob use the 2mm for the sturdier join with the ABS paste method. Mostly concerned about the part under the visor that can be seen.
  5. I'm finally upgrading my kit to a screen accurate helmet that comes in two halves. If the helmet is 2mm ABS, should the strips I use on the inside to connect the halves be 2mm as well or should I go thinner with 1mm?
  6. Thanks! While I was doing the upgrades today, I replaced the firing stud on the handle with a rare earth magnet to hold it in my holster better. Works like a charm.
  7. I put a disc in the back of the scope as suggested. 20180528_184309 by Winter Guite, on Flickr I also filled in the front of the scope and the barrel. 20180528_184402 by Winter Guite, on Flickr I also gave it a fresh coat of paint since I read other places that it should be plain black. 20180528_184436 by Winter Guite, on Flickr How does this look for Lancer?
  8. That's what I needed to know. Appreciated.
  9. I am upgrading my kit to Lancer specs and looking at the blaster requirements. The scope has lens discs cut into the scope for a more realistic appearance. No decals representing cross hairs or similar. ​My scope is hollow with cross hairs. Does this qualify or does it have to be disc that looks like cross hairs near the back? Here is what it looks like.
  10. I'll take that list as well if you don't mind. Looking to upgrade some parts on my kit. Thanks.
  11. Michael's and Joann's in the US has small patches in the leather craft section. I used two of those for mine. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
  12. Having gone the suede route on my costume, I won't lie to you. It can be a pain but the result is worth it. I sewed the two halves of my suede riding patch together before attaching it to my suit. I think you may have a better time if you sew each half on separately to the suit. The center seam is going to be covered by the strap on the cummerbund anyway. As long as you make sure they are lined up evenly, this may work better and if I make another one, I will be going this route. Second piece of advice, use a TON of pins to keep it in place. You will need to shift the pieces around a lot as you sew the suede to the suit. And don't feel bad if you have to pick out some stitches and redo it! Even the best of us have to sometimes. Good luck.
  13. Agreed. Cow, can you post a pic of the boots you found so we can check them out? Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
  14. The base for the suit is the RedKap CT10 coverall. http://www.automotiveworkwear.com/RedKap/CT10/coveralls.html
  15. The RedKap coverall you want is the twill action back coverall. When I get home I can get you the exact part number. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
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