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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by hummern4

  1. Micke, Yes they do! I received mine 2 weeks ago and it's not a problem
  2. Thank you for the help Jim !
  3. New version! sorry for the flashing making unwanted details to show up! hope you guys like these better!
  4. Hehe yes! I thought you guys might say that. The price is about 15 $. Only size 11. so I was lucky
  5. these ones! Hope its ok to link http://www.skopunkten.com/outlet/Modeller/Herr?art=263847
  6. Yes I will try my best Lisa Its the position of the rivets that makes it a bit tricky to get it nice, but 0.5cm more should work!
  7. Better fit? I will shabe them in the middle maby 2 mm. Also do you glue the whole flap or just the sides?
  8. Puh*... good news. I was able to slowly drag the flaps off without to much grease or any damage at the vinyl. So now I can perfect them as I want. I hate having little faults like that Thanks again for the pic!
  9. Yeah that was my guess also. Saving that pic for next pair. thx
  10. Well completed my boots a couple of days ago but I need some advice on the "flap". When I glued it, it seemed to be the only way to cover the rivets and so on. I just wonder what you guys think about them? These wont go for lancer for my part, when I try for lancer I will cut the soles in a diffo way etc. but would they be acceptable for a scout? The flash makes the boot detail a bit weird. Overall I'm happy with the result
  11. I was going to order an complete KS-helmet to but this is going to be on hold until I see what's going on
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