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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Sorripto

  1. Thanks for the link
  2. You have to be careful when disassembling any hasbro gun. They have been in the toy business for many years and have gotten very good at making toys that are not meant to be taken apart. It can be done, but the screws joints have a chance of breaking because often the screw is held in tighter then the plastic is held together. What it is is there is a plastic tube that is threaded and it is glued to one side the screw is inserted into that. It is doable just dont rush it.
  3. I have one as my undersuit, I cut the vest part off and use a seperate vest and it works wonderfully. The one big thing with the one piece jumpsuit that a lot of people fail to think about is that the suspenders for the cummerbund, if you use them as a lot of us do, are supposed to go under the vest. With the vest built in like that the suspender straps will be visible unless you use velcro to hide them under the chest armor as best you can. To answer your question even for basic 501st approval it requires the vest and jumpsuit to be separate, so no while it is worth the money IMO the suit by itself is not 501st ready.
  4. I have looked through the forums and maybe I missed it but does anyone know where I can get information on the chin strap for the bucket. The bucket I currently use is a slightly modded KS but since I am working on Lancer I am looking at installing a chin strap so if anyone has any information on modding a KS bucket to add a chin strap that information would be super helpful as well.
  5. I have always been a firm believer that your armor should be as shiny and presentable as you can make it. As a military man even in times of extreme work I have to keep my uniform presentable and "inspection ready" so I can only imagine the standards a strict galactic empire would have.
  6. So I was just wondering what you guys use to cover the area above the shoulder where the two chest pieces meet. I have been using two loops of canvas, but it gets to be a hassle sliding the loops on and off and fitting it around the velcro. I was wondering if there is anyone out there with any better ideas or creative things they came up with.
  7. It looks good to me. Being as skinny as you are however because of the way they sit naturally some might say your thigh boxes are a little low.
  8. I have the elastic around the arm and the t-strap velcro. I will try the patch on the vest and see how that works.
  9. The way I have my armor kit built my shoulder armor is held in place by a t-shape velcro faster that connects it to the chest armor. This has worked fine but recently I had to do a lot of arm swinging and this became a problem. Has anyone tried sewing a velcro patch directly to the vest and if so is that better in any way?
  10. Well here was the finished product and I am approved as you can see from my new profile information.
  11. Well my GML said that they require the armor and cummerbund to overlap about 3 inches. What I ended up doing, other the losing the deployment weight which made things fit easier, was lengthen the elastic and straps allowing my armor to sit lower.
  12. Elmer's Brand Super Glue
  13. Will that damage the ABS plastic?
  14. So due to an unfortunate accident I had some pain get onto the glue residue around the greeblies on my detonator box. My question is I can remove both but it will lead to scratches or wear so can I do that and then just repaint the whole box and if not what is the best method for removing dried glue from armor?
  15. The registration requires a "plain background" is that background plain enough its actually the only place in my home not covered with paintings or posters?
  16. I am going to move the velcro higher on the vest to attach the shoulder pieces higher I was thinking they looked a little low. As for the bund is there a better way to keep it from sliding I have noticed that it bunches a little bit.
  17. So I made this suit while deployed overseas and I thank everyone who answered my questions and helped me get the pieces together I needed.
  18. As am I this is the only piece missing from the waist up that I need to work on.
  19. Any idea where on the forum that tutorial is I cant seem to find it?
  20. Those are the cheapest jumpsuit/coveralls I have seen but how is the quality for that price i wonder?
  21. Eagerly could you please send me the link of where you got that jumpsuit? The jumpsuit is the only part of my costume I am still having trouble finding the parts for.
  22. I am currently stationed overseas and am working on a scout trooper to wear to celebration VI when we get back to the states in August. Finishing the suit and joining the 501st are both goals of mine upon my return back to America. With that short window and the fact that I am overseas and mail, although easy enough to ship to an FPO, can take a while. Given those facts I am more then willing to purchase a made jumpsuit and vest as opposed to trying to make my own from scratch. While several of the recommendations on this board have been more then willing to help me the short window of August is making many orders hard to find. My question is does anyone have any suggestions for finding a suit and vest that will meet 501st approval, either pre-made or a kit, that could made and mailed out or mailed out and finished before say July? My second question: I have seen this auction a few times and would like to know if this suit vest combo within specs and if not what kind of changes would need to be made? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Biker-Scout-trooper-Jump-Suit-Vest-built-on-Star-Wars-Costume-Prop-Armor-/180836498158?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a1ab1faee
  23. The navy coveralls work great for measurements and for prep work, but as stated before cant hold dye. What did you buy exactly that had suede I have been looking for a cheap alternative myself?
  24. I was going to, but our kits have not arrived yet. I am going to look forward to the input because when I get back to the states my goal is join 501st by the end of the year.
  25. Not only reputable and good quality, but some of the best costuming customer service I have ever seen.
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