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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Plum

  1. Whats the best glue/method for gluing on the visor? I opted out of using E3000 because I'm scared the glue will run if I don't baby sit it long enough. I read somewhere on the forums that hot glue works pretty good, but I find that it comes loose after a few weeks if not pops off completely. Advice please
  2. Well, damn. I think you're right! Thanks for catching that
  3. Those are trooperbay decals. However it didn"t come with the screen accurate fish hook when I recieved it. It came with the one it has currently. All the decals came in 3 seperate pages so my guess was it may have been forgotten. In this pic it also has the MC snout with the riser plate. The black was painted satin black. It also has the new style 3mm bolts which I sanded down and painted. The visor is new aswell. However can I send these in for clearence or should I wait til everythings been fixed? Ty griffin
  4. Ah. I wasn't sure if the fish hook would affect clearance. I went ahead and shot an email at trooperbay. All my webbing was changed to cotton already. Only nylon left is the actual belt part. Marcel made pouches to be smaller already. I figured If i take a little stuffing out it should be fine Ty
  5. Hey guys! Almost getting ready to submit approval pics. It was hard getting everything to fit my smaller and shorter frame. And it sucked having to fix a KS helm that was supposed to have been ready out of the box. But looking back at it it was alot of fun. I already took it out on a test run to a local con a few weeks back and everything held together well. Wanted to post up here first to see if I'm missing anything/Need to change something/Did something wrong. I realized the greeblie on the TD was slanted after the pics were taken. Its fixed now.
  6. At this point I would love nothing more then a full refund. Does KS even do that? Or do they just keep exchanging one bad helm after another. I sending an email to KS right now. I'm hoping Scott could help me. Hes been nice so far especially with how long its taken. (And sent me a free tee and overnight shipping. But now I suppose it was an attempt at compensation)
  7. Yes. This is indeed the remastered helmet. I don't know where to go from here. With so close to C6 I feel like an alternative would be damn near impossible. Do you think with some careful trimming I can correct this stuff? I'll be sending an email back to KS regardless.
  8. So I ordered the helm pre-built because at the time I really didn't have time (or skill) to put such a major piece together between work full time and school full time. I chose KS because reviews and posts here on the boards deemed it one of the lightest helms. So after a two month delay in addition the 8 week turnabout time that crushed my hopes and dreams of ever being ready for SWW it finally came in. Looking at it now maybe I'm being overly critical. But my inner perfectionist is a little disappointed. (Bubbling, unclean cuts, slanted decals, ect.) I'll be able to live with it. ANYWAY. Iwanted to let you guys know that according to Scott they had a remastering and a material upgrade, so I wanted to post some pics about that. Quote direct via email: "In addition to the remastered parts, we also received a new grade of ABS which is firmer and thicker than previous materials that we have used, and this is proving to make a really impressive piece, so there is a positive dividend for the additional wait time." But it seems that before, and now, the helms still have the same problem here. I have to reshape the cut out for the visor. One eye droops lower then the other. Its more visible in person. The glass on that same eye rubs against the top of the helmet when you lift the front. (my fear is that it will scratch over time.) I have replacement 3mm bolts and a new MLC snout. Will hopefully be ordering Trooperbay decals soon.
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