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501st Pathfinder
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Shortimer52 last won the day on October 6 2014

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About Shortimer52

  • Birthday 03/07/1978

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  • 501st Garrison
  1. I might be Jim. The wife is more interested then I am. I stand corrected that its a shelter half. Although shelter halfs are made of light canvas.
  2. I'm convinced these are made out of shelter halves. Fabric is the same, its just OD green shelter half that was washed few times to give it a weathered look. My Fett cape looks just like that and I made it from a old half that I used to use.
  3. Ill be getting with out at some point. May not be anytime soon but at some point.
  4. And I know ill have too.lol
  5. Ive been looking around for one, no luck here either.
  6. I’m having mine built. Other buckets I can do because I have an idea how they go together. The Scout I have no clue and don’t want to risk messing up something, although im sure I could fix whatever I mess up. But I don’t want to mess with that. Also, I really don’t have lots of time to do stuff like that. So if you don’t have time you need to have money.
  7. Thats the only Clone I care for and I think it looks very nice.
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