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501st Pathfinder
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Drewid last won the day on June 24 2012

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About Drewid

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Southern California
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Kashyyyk Trooper

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  1. The forums are still in the process of rebuilding themselves post upgrade. I expect the process will take about 48 hours or so to finish. It might take more based the percentages in the background processes. During this time you'll see broken links, missing images, and general slowness. I'll be monitoring this off and on and report back when the automated background work has finished. In the meantime, expect things to be a little off. Once the all clear has been given, please report on anything that is still broken. Thanks!
  2. The armor parties are posted up on the SoCal Garrison forums in addition to being announced on the FB groups. The Orange County squad armor parties are usually posted in this forum: http://www.southerncaliforniagarrison.com/forums/index.php?showforum=194
  3. 1/32" is some pretty thin lines. Based on the screen shots, 1/32" is probably too thin.
  4. No problem and good luck
  5. Mine are closer to 3/32".
  6. You can also use pin striping tape. It takes a bit of a steady hand but it will work.
  7. The MB helmet is a single piece of resin. I just drilled holes in the sides to affix the covers.
  8. I pack everything in 25 gallon Sterilite container. All parts fit beautifully inside with just a little of room left over. I use the pouches to keep things from moving around too much. As for scratches, I'm actually hoping on those to help weather it a bit. Though I don't really expect to see any. I have everything fairly well padded between the pouches, the suit, and the bund.
  9. I think if the neoprene had a coat or two of gray plastidip it would look perfect.
  10. I thought about using EVA foam for it and haven't ruled it out. I think gray neoprene might look better than foam though. For now I'm happy with the webbing, though I could stand to shorten them up a bit. When I had to re-acquire the chest and back plate I rushed on the sizing a bit to get it ready in time for SDCC.
  11. I have the t-strap on the underside, too, and I ended up using gray nylon webbing for the top strap too. I couldn't get the rubber to bend so I nixed it. Printed some plastic "guards" and attached those. They looked decent but limited mobility a bit. The webbing top straps look pretty close to the references too.
  12. I'd just gotten off my shift at the Koto booth and got requested to join in the RL photo to help bolster their numbers. I'll eventually submit this to the RL for membership. Eventually
  13. I infiltrated the rebellion for a day.
  14. Wookiepedia has us listed as Clone Scouts. I prefer CB over KT if only for the reason that I associate KT with a brave little girl and her pink astromech. But that could just be me.
  15. I think it meant Clone Bikers but I like Clone BARCs. Most people I know think of it as a BARC anyways. Whenever I say Kashyyyk trooper I tend to get blank stares.
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