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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Umaro

  1. Yeah it seems like the pouch sag is the big concern here. I do have some snaps behind my pouches that hold them in place quite well but the amp does make the bottom lump out a bit, I could put foam under it I guess to hold the shape or something along those lines. I am not sure it would be loud enough behind the armor, does it get muffled pretty bad mounted there? I may still go the wireless route and save this mic for another costume as it seems that getting everything hooked up without the wire showing or snagging will be a chore.
  2. Hey guys I recently purchased a mic and amp. Its just a standard Aker that a lot of people use on here. I was curious how people have theirs set up, do you simply put it in the pouch and run the wire under the vest and balaclava? I have heard of people also attaching them to the inside on the chest armor. I was also thinking of attaching the mic permanently on the inside of the snout so it won't be getting moved around by getting caught on anything. What way do you guys think works best? Anyone have a set up they use they can show? Thanks
  3. I have reattached my lens to leave small gaps on the underside and it fogs up a lot less than it did before, however my brother in law is a diver and might have some of this. I'll see if that improves it even more thanks.
  4. As far as the game being canon it has been confirmed that the new games are considered to be such, as Lucas Film is helping in the production. I also think though that having a whole slew of weapons suddenly available especially non-imperial standard, would be a bad idea. If it has a standard blaster that non-player scouts use in the single player campaign I would accept that though.
  5. That's a pretty genius little addition to make carrying a rifle really simple, clearly pretty strong too. I'm curious what it looks like both on the rifle and the tank when they are not attached though, are the magnets going to blend in color wise? also what blaster is that?
  6. I will see if I can adjust my visor to get a bigger gap, I have a small one already but its clearly not enough. If that doesnt help I'll look into that spray.
  7. Hey guys so I recently got my approval and did my first troop the other day. I noticed that the lens tends to fog up a good bit, my issue is that I have very little space in the helmet for a fan, if I could even fit one at all, what fans do you guys think are best and how do you fit them in the helmet comfortably. Or is there another way to prevent fogging up.
  8. Great research Chef, I just got approved recently and I was literally in the middle of doing my own research as to why the rifles were not already on the CRL since every Battlefront game has them as the Scouts main weapon when I came across this thread. I whole heartily agree that it needs to be added. As has been said before there are several costumes based entirely on games, why should an optional accessory not be on there too? I mean the evidence is pretty clear, Scouts use sniper rifles.
  9. I got the hard armor pieces through Studio Creations, and the helmet through Kropserkel although if I could go back and do it again I would have just gotten both from SC as from what I have seen its a better mold. The other pieces were mostly sourced through people on this site. check the trade forum for people who make regular runs of extras like the gun, boots, etc...
  10. Thanks for the feedback, I am aware of the details that need adding, just haven't gotten that far yet. I will try it on again next time I get time to work on it to adjust the fit so things are more in line with what you suggested, I do have a question on the knees though. How do you guys keep them in place? Mine are held down by a simple elastic band at the moment but they do tend to move around a bit apparently. Would Velcro on the knee itself be a good idea or is there a better way?
  11. Hello Scouts, I am nearing completion on my Scout armor and wanted to get feedback on finishing touches or things that need to be changed before submitting for approval. http://i.imgur.com/qWbirbA.jpg http://i.imgur.com/H5SriRt.jpg http://i.imgur.com/VdtZDGs.jpg http://i.imgur.com/33ZIyaZ.jpg I know some details on the back, chest, helmet, and Thermal detonators need to be added but I'm more looking for things that wouldn't pass approval. Also the pouches are not yet attached as I was unsure if they attached to the cummerbund or the armor itself. I also might be wearing the vest backwards in these, I'm not sure as I took them a couple days ago. Any and all constructive feedback is greatly appreciated.
  12. Darth Voorhees is the person I tried to contact, just haven't heard back yet. I'll give him a while longer and check back.
  13. Hey guys, I got a KS kit pretty much assembled however the snout and bolt covers are inaccurate. The bolts I can probably just use some washers and cover them with tape and grey paint but the snout is a bit harder to replace with out a mold or 3d printer. Does anyone know a vendor that can sell that piece separately or maybe a fellow scout who has molded their own have any tips for making one myself? I checked over in the trade forum already and got pointed toward someone who did have some at one point in time but have yet to receive any kind of response and thought I would see what you guys might know. Thanks!
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