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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by troopermaster

  1. Thanks! I must admit they are for a Snowtrooper (hence the looped straps) but the pouches are physically the same. I have some boots that have been waiting for at least a year to be turned into Biker boots so hoping to make a start on those soon
  2. Hi guys, I recently made some pouches from heavy duty duck canvas using the MOM photos for reference, and thought I would share them with you. I also added a bit of weathering.
  3. Cool! Do the decals come with the kit or did you buy them separately?
  4. If the strap is really thick, like Gino says, then I would imagine it to be something like I posted. Either a lifting sling, cargo strap or tow strap. I have seen the lines running down the lengths on all of these types of straps. As for the clips, I have asked my friends on FB if they can identify them. It helps having more eyes searching even if they may not be scout fans
  5. That photo is an example of a lifting sling. I am sure it can be found in cotton too. Was it elasticated or solid webbing?
  6. I think I recognise the clips too.
  7. Looking good mate Is the inside of the ABS smooth or pinseal/haircell texture?
  8. I fancy going down to see this helmet when it gets exhibited. Might even have a bid on it!
  9. I trimmed some ABS parts yesterday and saw the same edge left on them if I didn't trim inside the edge of the mould. This edge you are seeing is just where the ABS flares out after the finished part. I would concentrate more on the actual shapes of the armour rather than the finished edges. Just some friendly advise
  10. It's just a mould line and definitely not an added detail like what you have done. You have over-exaggerated this and it's not meant to be a feature of the armour. I don't like the look of it and I wouldn't advise anyone to try copying it since it is nothing more than the edge of the mould and not a new 'feature'.
  11. But they are much like the original Sierra boots compared to the Timberland style hiking boots. The original boots used were similar to the Converse and have a streamline look to them which I like. When I look at replica scouts and see the bulky, steel toe capped boots I always think they let the look of the costume down. People tend to follow others and I think a bad trend has been set unfortunately. Just my opinion, of course
  12. Thank you. PM sent
  13. So I just received the Israeli Scout boots (size 5) for my son and I am wanting to know what is the best material to use to make them into Biker Scout boots? My local fabric store only have very thin white vinyl and white faux leather with the leather grain, both do not look very suitable. I am hoping someone in the UK can let me know what they have used and where to get the right material. I will add some photos as soon as I have all the materials and before I start the build up. Cheers, -Paul.
  14. Just wondering why everyone seems to go for these types of rugged boots which are too bulky compared to the original boots which were made from sneakers? I always think the boots look off on all replica costumes due to using the wrong type of boots. I have just bought a pair of IDF boots for my sons mini scout armour I am making and think they will look much better than rugged work boots.
  15. Okay, I have cast the test pull in bondo and have started reworking them. The main helmet was pretty good shape wise and I just have to make a few areas more rounded and touch up a few spots. The face plate was too big, especially the lens, so am reworking that too. This is going to be slow work but I will keep plugging away when time permits. I am going to need the 3M bolts and snout greeblie if anyone can hook me up with those. Jut send me a PM if you can help. Thanks
  16. Hi guys, I have dusted off my old Biker Scout helmet that I may many years ago and I am going to be casting it up to make new moulds. I will be making all the necessary changes to make this into a nice replica that will hopefully as close to the original helmet as possible. All the measurements are the same as the original albeit a few areas need reworking to get the parts to fit properly. I never got the chance to do anything more than make the first test helmet all those years ago but now that is about to change! For those of you who are not long standing members here, I started this sculpt about 2007/2008 if I remember correctly, with the aim of making the full armour. I started off with the hardest part and got the sculpts made then formed over them to make the test helmet. That is as far as it went. I cannot find my old thread since it was on the old site and I cannot find it on here either, so here are some photos that I still have in my PB account. I am really looking forward to working on this again and hope you will enjoy watching my progress. Cheers, -Paul
  17. Nice job on the helmet If you are still struggling removing the plastic from the moulds then send me a PM. I know a thing or two about vacuum forming
  18. HIPS is the way to go if you are doing the forming yourself on a home made machine.It forms easily and is glossy as standard here in the UK,so there's no need to paint it I haven't formed ABS myself,but have heard it can be formed 'almost' as easily as HIPS but don't quote me on that I also heard ABS 'does' yellow,and this was proved when an SDS/AA stormtrooper helmet started to develop yellow spots.It doesn't suprise me though as ABS is made from styrene and I have not had any of my parts made from HIPS ever yellow! -Paul.
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