i'm a big guy too 6'1 and 260 with a gut (i'm working on it) i use SC armor and bucket the problem i had with the chest and back armor was it felt like it was riding too high since the shoulders pretty much have to meet, so i went and got some ABS plastic like a plastic no parking sign or something to that effect, i measured the width of the front and back parts where the shoulder meets cut a length the same width and glued it on the bottom kind of like this (front --> - _ -<-- back) but plastic, that dropped the chest almost 4 inches so now it fits right, then i covered the gap with bondo and sanded to finish, once i was done i got some small hinges at home depot then cut the middle and added the hinge so now my armor will swing when putting it on, if you want i can take pictures to show you just pm me so i know.