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501st Legion (RET)
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About Darthbarber

  • Birthday 01/21/1975

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    All things Star Wars and all things Van Halen!!

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  • 501st Garrison
    Cloud City Garrison
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  1. It's been a few years since I have trooped in my scout and I really would love to troop it again soon. I have SC armor but it has never fit well. I have a bigger chest and back and this armor has always felt and looked small. Does anyone know where I can get bigger armor or how I can modify it to fit better? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  2. I just finished mine and did my first troop in it, and I got to say yes it was kind of a pain to put together but with patience and help from my brothers on here it was worth every dollar I spent and every hour I put in to it. Not only does it look great it feels even better to wear for long troops, it is so light it almost felt like I had nothing on compared to my don post. I did have to get a new nose and decals the ones they sent with the kit were way off, and I used elevator bolts for the sides because they sent furniture slides for the bolt covers yeah I said furniture slides. LOL
  3. I will soon, I got to get it built first!
  4. Wow thanks guys, I took an exacto like ya said and made a cut at the seam then picked at it with tweezers till it all came off. Thanks again brothers!
  5. Hey guys first off I was wanting to just update my old post but for some reason I can't find it on here anymore lol oh well. I need some help with my helmet, I got it all glued up and ready but I got one spot that has a little E-6000 that squeezed out it feels soft and im not sure if it will sand off or just smudge it and make a mess. I used some super glue and that hardened and sanded off easy I'm just not sure what to do about the E-6000 any help would be great thanks.
  6. Wow you guys rock! Thank you for all the great info!!
  7. I will try that trick dude thanks. What glue sets faster?
  8. Ok then that works for me, I won't paint it I will leave it as is. Thanks so much guys. I will post pics after I glue it, maybe the seam will not show
  9. Well when I paid for it he told me I did not need to paint it, but it is very very dull and it don't match my armor at all it has no gloss to it. Is there a way to put a gloss on it without paint?
  10. Hey there scouts I have some questions for you. I am ready to glue and paint my KS helmet, and I need to know 1. What glue do you guys recommened I use on it? 2. What paint and primer do I use, will it hurt the plastic if I use any ol' white spray paint and primer? And 3. Do you recommend that I seal up and sand the back seam and if so what do I use..ie bondo? Any help will be great thanks!
  11. Yes his stuff looks very nice and I'm sure it will be
  12. Got it thanks!! bought and paid for!! I just hope he don't take forever to send it.
  13. Thanks guys for the info, how do I get hold of this DonJarr fellow? Lol I looked on Ebay and could not find anything.
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