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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Mithras

  1. I don't see how Bondo would work on something so thin. It would be putting a huge amount of material and weight on a relatively weak surface to begin with. I honestly don't know what the solution would be, other than some kind of fiberglass tape, and that's pretty hard to get in our area. Very disappointing.
  2. Thank you.
  3. Can someone provide me a link to a clear, newbie friendly tutorial for building the KS helmet, please? I've had no luck finding one. I'm particularly stuck on the lens material - it simply came as a flat piece of plastic with the shape of the mask traced on. No info on forming it into the appropriate shape, etc - but in general, all I have are some pieces of plastic and appropriate upgrade components, with not much info to go on for building it. -A.
  4. Eh. Just keeping my options open. Not that many costumes, really, just a lot of things that were ordered early this year/late last year, and sort of all arrived at once;) Also, to be fair, some of the stuff we ordered ended up not being usable. Lesson learned. But I keep threatening to do something with armor, and this is one of those things I've kept in mind, given the difficulty of acquiring some of the other things I'd like to get to. Nice looking costume. Would be nice to see it available again. -Alex
  5. Hello, everyone - Are these still out of print and unavailable? Can someone give us an update as to status? -Alex (4768)
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