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501st Legion Member
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About senna1rossi

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    las vegas

501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    neon city
  1. Doh! Please excuse my ignorance. I really didn't know that was an inappropriate word! Too much influence from Wallace & Gromit, and The Office, I suppose... how embarrassing. I really thought it was similar to "bozo", "dufus", or "dum-ath" (btw, that's me on the bike, so i was just being silly... I didn't call someone else that and I hope no one was offended). Thanks for the info. Do you mean 501st approved for TB, or 501st approved in general?
  2. yay, i guess they shipped it oot yesterday! from Canada, eh.
  3. so, MC is an upgrade from SC armor??
  4. cool! that's good info!
  5. thanks to you, Jim, i went for the KS!
  6. mad indeed! everyone knows TK helmets were originally designed for "stationary" troopers and to enhance blaster accuracy! heh heh, that's why i need a TB helmet
  7. wow, looks great all painted up!
  8. who in their right mind rides aroond in their TK helmet?! what a "SILLY BOY" Moderated - "PLease do not swear on the forum thank you" just ordered a crop circle helmet! can't wait to get started!! what's the most difficult part of the helmet build to get right? do i need to order something else to make it more accurate? i was hoping i could look at pics of LANCER submittals to see the difference / study, but i guess i don't have access.
  9. eFX won't be a kit, correct? i'd rather assemble my own TB helmet...
  10. does the current KS helmets come in thicker gauge ABS? is .090 newer or current?
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