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Smiling Fox

501st Pathfinder
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Smiling Fox last won the day on June 16 2016

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About Smiling Fox

  • Birthday 08/10/1972


  • Member Title
    Biker Scout

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    Star Wars
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    New England Garrison
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  1. As these guys said, you'll look fine. On a personal note, I'm 5'6 and 140 and, speaking for us short folks, stop bragging about how tall you are.
  2. That is not a pretty helmet. His TK looks awful. I would stick to the recommended makers.
  3. Nice. And good trigger discipline as well.
  4. I'm not saying it's not a two person weapon system, just that they make one. Mine came with a sling to make it easier to carry.
  5. KS also makes a stunt blaster.
  6. Were it not for Jim, I too, probably wouldn't be here. He gave me a tremendous amount of help and encouragement with my build. It was my first costume and his help was instrumental. He was a good friend, mentor, and trooper.
  7. I just searched for "black suede jacket" and this was one of the first to come up. See if it will work for you. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Womens-Small-Black-Suede-Light-Jacket-Claudia-Vintage-Retro-/322752684396?hash=item4b258f216c:g:UC0AAOSwi7RZEonf
  8. Search eBay. I bought a used women's suede jacket for about $10. I cut it up and had plenty of suede left over.
  9. I like the hip armor too. I wonder why they opted out of using it. It seems like a weak spot in the uniform considering the leg is a big target. I just hope the riding patch, butt flap, and cod are all armored.
  10. That is nothing short of a work of art and you know it!
  11. I suppose you could glue some nuts onto the inside of the helmet then use really short bolts to secure it. I use MICH helmet pads for mine. I secure them with velcro. They are adjustable and removable and extremely comfortable. That would be my first recommendation for the inside.
  12. No such thing as shiny dirt and carbon scoring.
  13. Yikes. I'm with Tim. You could take off about 80% of that weathering and it would look right. When it comes to weathering, less is always better (except for Sandies). Are you posting as a link or a picture? When I post a picture, I just click on the Direct link on Photobucket then click the picture tab on the post and paste it in. I haven't had any issues. If it continues to be a problem, let the admin of the site know and they can help you further.
  14. It's going to depend on your head size and how big the helmet is. I know a lot of folks who wear their glasses without any issues. Some with better vision remove them and deal with the blurry vision. I wear contacts but if I didn't I would get some ranger glasses or sports glasses with elastic versus the ear pieces. They fit tight to your head and you don't need to worry about needing a lot of extra room.
  15. That would explain years of seeing black stripes on the holster. Interesting.
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