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Angeal last won the day on November 6 2011

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  1. Nothing comes up when I click on the link you provided
  2. Thanks for the direction I will look them up on FB
  3. Been a long time since I last posted among the KT been doing nothing but sitting around much like allot of my other 501st stuff that I hoping now to get back around and rebuilding or starting over with things that got dumped mid way due allot of stuff happening all at once and never picked back up till now. Hopefully this post will be something to get those old armor skeletons out of the closet. Unfortunately been way out of the loop with allot of stuff and going through the post seeing allot has changed as well to bring the KT back up to snuff. The hardest part is trying to find some parts as the armor is fine, but unfortunately some of the soft goods is not fairing as well due to they were the last runs in molds before being sold off that and its been in storage for a let say about the time of my last post here in 2013ish. I was wondering if anyone does just the flexible parts, ie the belt, straps and etc. Among trying to get led on a cummberbunds due to worn mine once and now it does not fit anymore due to my chest being wider then when it was made. Any help is appreciated
  4. Going to be there, may or may not have the armor due to it was a last mintue decision to bring and I working on trying to finish it at the moment.
  5. Thanks for the insight, as I will look into that opinion
  6. Hello, all I was wondering something while I was in the store looking at paint for my armor. I am in the process of painting the base color and was wondering something as to me the two colors does not look the same. I have searced through the forum and found that some places the base color is refereced as Krylone Kakai (From their camo line) while other places its referenced as Benjamin Moore's HC - 96 Richmond Gray (Don't know if they have changed since Mr Bungle posted CRL discussion post) But they look drasically different to me and was wondering which one is correct, or is this is going to be something that's going to be more interpeted like the color of Commander Bly's armor as some people say the "yellow" is catapeller yellow while some people say its musturd yellow, to me that looks different being that musturd yellow is almost like yellow yellow while catapeller yellow looks closer to the orange spectrum. Here is the forum pages I was looking at Mr Bungle's CRL discussion topic http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=5025&hl=%2Bkashyyyk+%2Bbase+%2Bpaint&fromsearch=1 And Heat Shocks' http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9409&hl=%2Bkashyyyk+%2Bbase+%2Bpaint&fromsearch=1 As here is the pages for the colors, i know that looking at them on screen may not work from some as some people's screen are not caliberated but I was looking at them at the local hardware store when I was looking at them as this can give you reference is you want to do the same. Benjamin Moore's website with color referenced by Mr Bungle http://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/for-your-home/color-gallery#&ce_s=HC-96&ce_vm=1 Page with color referenced by Heat Shock http://www.krylon.com/products/camouflage_paint_with_fusion_technology/
  7. Thank you all for the comments Sorry for the lack of updates. Been super busy with life and the problems it brings up. Hopefully will get the armor done soon among getting the project, minus boots and gloves at the moment, done so th the largest part of project is finished.
  8. They are the correct type of pants, but wrong climate pattern. The ones I used were the "Desert" version as the ones in your link is are "jungle". The desert ones don't have green
  9. Well after looking around at local stores here, I found that I could not find any gloves that matched what I needed. Most of the places I looked at only carried super / street bike gloves. But I think I found a good base for them as I would like to get everyone's opinions
  10. Thanks Jimah, as I saw it just a while ago going through their. Waiting to hear back from him at the moment.
  11. Thanks, as I hope very soon to have 98% of the soft parts done, minus boots, as I just got a tracking number for my cumberbun and will go out and look for some gloves this weekend.
  12. I am not going to speak for crow62, but reading through the post he has here it sounded like they are not in production or had problems with mounting the soul to the boot. But if he did go into production with them, I would most definitively go that route due to one they are already white and have the canon soul on them like the CG model. The only reason I brought up magnum boots is I have a place close to where I live that I can usually find the boots for about half or more off MSRP, for I picked up some up just recently that usually retails for abt 125, got them for 50 bucks among in my size as that also a problem I been running into finding boots in my size as for some reason I have an abnormally large foot according to the booth manufactures for I wear I 11 1/2 wide, as I usually just go with a 12, but for some reason they are in very short supply.
  13. Thanks, as I was also thinking of the same thing for at least now till I can find some better ones or till something better comes along.
  14. Update time, finished my pants front pockets and now all left to do with them is add the measure out the riding patch and get it sewn together as here a pic of my pants
  15. After doing some more research and looking an my opinions on what I can find, since I have begun to run into the problem of not being able to find my size. Decided to go another route after looking at some of the older threads and thought I may look at some boots like the ones heatshock found, the PT05s, as here what I came up with as I wanted to get everyone opinion on these as I can find these usually really cheap at place I usually hit up for other costuming needs. http://www.magnumboo...response-ii-60/ http://www.magnumboo...ponse-ii-80-sz/ http://www.magnumboo...ponse-ii-80-st/ http://www.magnumboo...228/shield-wpi/ http://www.magnumboo...ide-zipper-wpi/ http://www.magnumboo.../viper-ii-8-wp/ http://www.magnumboo...sidewinder-hpi/
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