Hello all,
I recently started working on a KS helmet build. Considering that I have zero artistic talent and am not handy at all, my build looks like crap. That being said, I am thinking about purchasing one of Cucblack's helmets off of Ebay (or from him directly here). Any thoughts? My biggest question to anyone in the know is, does the helmet as it is qualify as a Lancer helmet or would it need some modficiations? I think his earlier helmets had problems but I think his newest version is right on.
Seeing as he is a member here, please keep your posts as positive as you can. Should there be a reason to tell me something negative, kindly PM me.
Again, any thougts or advice would be helpful. I have been sitting on a full box of TB armor now since March 2012 and would like to actually put it all together one of these days. Now I need a new helmet and would really like to get "the best" as I want to qualify as Lancer.