I have submited these pictures and a few more for 501st approval. I have fixed the thigh straps being even, moved the pouches up. Fixed the belt, moved the drop boxes up just a little and put the webbing on the back of the belt in the rear. I have put a little more velcro on to hold up the bicept armor a little better. The knee armor has the top 1/2inch elastic riveted on, just cant see it because of the baggyness of legs.
I think the flight suit looks a little baggy because I sat down before taking the pictures and it pulled the legs up and probably caused the cummberbund to look a little loose. The clips on the TD are from the MonCal kit, so I need to find something a little smaller.
This weekend will take a little off of the sleeves of the vest, and do a little more tweaking to get it to look a little crisper.
Thanks for all the input, will post some more pices after I tweak it a bit.