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  • 501st Garrison
    Old Line
  1. Ehhh this guy. Looks good dude
  2. On a different note wat kind of adjusting did you do. I have a KS lid. And its not looking optimistic.
  3. Word. soon as I got home I looked at it. And apparently it has a diagram on the side. total dumba$$ over here
  4. Not sure how to install the kit anybody gots pics
  5. Nah I figured I'd run some devcon around the edges before I paint it. Thanx my ninja.
  6. this efffin guy. that's a plan. thinking maybe cut the belt shapes out of the sign. then place the sign over/through the main belt piece and glue the face of the un-exposed belt pieces to the sign. like a cover for everything except the belt piece. does that make sense to you, it doesn't look like it translated well.
  7. man i gots to make it work, any suggestions?.
  8. Ok thanx for the heads up. Other then that everything is ok?.
  9. I was so afraid I got the wrong armor because I did no research. Luckily my ladyfreind is packing to so reading this put my mind at ease. Thanx voorhees
  10. Ok I misread it. Im a idiot good tutorial
  11. How's it going. Read the guide mentioned in the link above. Understood mostly all. having said that I got a question or two. in the chin modification portion there are measurements and angles given. are there any measurements and angle references for the brow and visor modifications?.
  12. im at the same place on my ladyfriends bund. it looks like 2 1/4.
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