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Everything posted by TrooperVenger

  1. Just remove the pockets you can see when you have your bund and armour on. I didn't bother taking my chest zips off as it's covered by a big piece of plastic.
  2. Guy is clearly mad as the vision whilst wearing one of those things is terrible. Heck, I struggled just walking around a department store. As for the TB helmet from KS. I'm not sure exactly. I do think the bolts and covers need to be changed to get to lancer level. I don't have a TB helmet yet myself. Will be getting one shortly.
  3. 10 is plenty loud enough. I use one with my TK.
  4. So are these changes going to be for lancer level or basic 501st clearence level?
  5. Use a hair dryer if you're not sure about putting it in the oven or using a heat gun. Also it'll help if you get someone to help you with it as it's easier to have 2 spare hands to heat it whilst you hold it in place.
  6. I was told that people put them on the circle on the gun. The one on the side. I don't have a picture to illustrate, but I could mod someones picture if they have one. I don't have a blaster - yet - but I'm considering doing the same mod.
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