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501st Pathfinder
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Marix last won the day on November 2 2011

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15 Good

About Marix

  • Birthday 07/10/1990

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    Outpost 42
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  1. Handwash then allow to dry in hot water cupboard or outside depending on weather.
  2. Now this is something I would be interested in but I wouldn't have the luxury of being able to import one of these MG's in deactivated or not. So i'll have to stick with my peashooter for now.
  3. Dam I wish I had seen your reply before I had glued mine together, I did it the opposite way (it actually fitted better in my opinion) but I was just following the tutorial which Mr KS had given reference to, (either he didn't check its entire accuracy or it still gives the same desired outcome)
  4. Lucky for some still waiting to see if mine will ship out, hopefully it will. 23 days until my first troop but it won't be if I don't get my helmet haha,
  5. Thanks for that. Yeah Scott finally got in touch with me saying mine is part of the 'next generation of sets' which he should hopefully be sending end of next week, as long as the Postal Service does not fail me I do not mind getting it mid October. I do wonder how these sets will look compared to the previous KS Helmets but if it means mine is better then
  6. Ordered mine Exactly a Month ago, a Do it yourself Rough Cut Helmet. Time line he gave it should have been done and ready to ship now, sent a email off a few days ago, No reply. Will give it 5 days then email again, really need the kit before end of October for my first troop. Heard many good things about KS but after reading this thread, not so much now, wondering whether my money was wisely spent now?
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