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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Griffin-X last won the day on January 14 2018

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About Griffin-X

  • Birthday November 3


  • Member Title
    R.I.P. XO Emeritus

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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
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  • 501st Garrison
    Star Garrison
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  1. Sorry for all the fuss. We just wanted to get it nailed down.
  2. Thanks Steph!
  3. Our very own Chef makes a very good vest, too!
  4. Yeah, I think there are better options than MC. They are a great group but the wait time and service is a lacking. KS is the least desirable kit, for a number of reasons. The SC kit is great and their service is unmatched. The new CFO/Strider kit looks very promising as well!
  5. I'm 6'2" and SC, KS, or MC armor works fine.
  6. Welcome to the Pathfinders forum!
  7. Good deal, and special thanks to Cody for letting us hijack his thread!
  8. Keep in mind this pic is from Gino. It's not the actual movie or onscreen scout. He's provided great information and has awesome insight into the Biker Scout parts and pieces. However, strap sizes are still debatable. We need to consider what elastic strapping was available between '77 and '83. Was it sourced in Europe or the US? It's been a long running debate here on BSN. I have updated the CRL and standards to be 1" for the lower strap, and 1/2" for the top strap.
  9. Yeah, I'm inclined to set it back to that exact measurement. 1" for the bottom and 1/2" for the top. What says everyone?!
  10. Welcome to the Pathfinders forum!
  11. Yep, smaller on top -- for sure. Now we ALL need to agree on 1" versus 5/8" on the lower strap.
  12. Thanks brother, I appreciate the confirmation. I also thought we had agreed on the 1" strap size, then the armoury team decided 3/4". Maybe Constantin could weigh in on that one, but if we agree -- can change it. I've modified the Legion CRL to reflect 1/2" on the upper knee strap. It's LIVE now. Knee Armor For 501st approval: Gloss white, semi-gloss or lightly weathered. Black elastic is used to secure the armor around the leg. For level two certification (if applicable): Knee armor has two elastic straps: The upper strap is 12mm (1/2") wide and is riveted to the top sides of the knee armor. The lower strap is 20mm (3/4") wide and passes through the lower sides of the knee armor. [*]Rivet remains silver in color.
  13. Mickey - please pm me the correct sizes and I’ll modify things. I want to make sure we are clear and correct on everything. What’s there now was based on the latest Armoury team discussions. Thank you sir!
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