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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by MNScout

  1. I'm going to stick with Clone Scout Trooper and here is my reasoning: We never see them riding BARCs so that name is out. We do see them riding All-Terrain Recon Transports (AT-RT). Recon or reconnaissance just being a fancified word for scouting they apparently do serve the purpose of scouts. Plus the name Clone Scout puts them clearly in the "jurisdiction" of the Pathfinders detachment. Please feel free to blow holes in my logic at this time.
  2. At this point the only name that I've seen that makes any sense is Clone Scout Trooper. Just my $.02.
  3. Wow, that is seriously messed up. The best quote on the whole site is "Reproducing a piece is simply the beginning, the true art lies in the detail and artwork of the various paint schemes to make the product believable to the general public.". Horse-hockey, the art is in someone like yourself creating something completely from imagination and turning it into reality. I hope no 501st member would ever buy from this guy. Neil
  4. From the pics they've released so far, there appears to be more BARC features on this figure than the one release last year. If you look closely, you can see the glove details and the thigh "pouches" on the flight suit. Also, the upper arm armor looks different than a standard scout figure.
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