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501st Pathfinder
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CCBacara last won the day on October 6 2011

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17 Good

About CCBacara

  • Birthday April 12

Profile Information

  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
  • Gender
  • Location
    Hanscom AFB, MA

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  • 501st Garrison
    New England
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. "So, they've finally given you and assignment. Your patience has paid off..." -Palpatine Good Luck buddy!
  2. Yes I does. I also rubbed a bit of what you saw in the floor photos. I love the way it turned out. Just don't know how I want to go about the bund/pouches
  3. The intent was mostly to go with a "greasy" look, not really a "dirty" look, if that makes any sense at all. I thought about using some browns and greens but that will most likely come later. The overall look is not quite what I hoped for in my head but overall I am very happy with it. Too late to second guess myself now, LOL. I hope to put it all on tonight and take some pictures.
  4. Need some advice from the experts. I am currently working on a weathering project from my armor but I am having trouble thinking of a way to weather my cummerbund and pouches. I thought about rubbing charcoal on them...but my wife seems to think that will wash out. Any ideas?
  5. I just read the costume standards and it does say lightly weathered on everything except the chest and back. So now I am a little up in the are on what to do.
  6. I will, didn't have time to work on it last night. Hopefully more tonight. And yes, I am doing to boots, bund, and pouches also. As I am not going for Lancer and I am not altering my costume away from "movie quality" (ie, I am not painting it pink or anything), I shouldn't need to resubmit for approval.
  7. I am super excited for you! You were one of my biggest supporters, giving me praise along the way. I can't wait to do the same for you.
  8. I realize mine is a bit extreme, I plan to wipe a bit of it off. But I also want to be quite a bit dirtier than yours. I am looking for a look that still could be close to the movies but different enough to be unique and original
  9. This is my main kit! But I want to look like the scouts in the movie that we all know in love, not the scouts on the death star that work behind a desk. A dirty scout is a busy scout
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