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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by tb2253

  1. Hey MrPoopie, I just finished 3D printing your complete scout trooper armor and they look very accurate! I had a SC set a long time ago but I gave it to my brother. Here is a pic of the 3D printed back armor. I am planning to primer, sand and fiberglass the pieces to make them stronger and able to withstand the stresses of trooping in it.
  2. The BARC armor is looking awesome Mike! I too am suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis due to a broken bone in my right hand while I was in active duty. My manual dexterity isn't what it used to be and I am in my late 30's. I feel for you bro...I'm glad you are getting some relief for it.
  3. Here is another similar type boots from GBX except it has a buckle. A back-up just in case the other one is sold-out.
  4. Scouts, I just called the ShoeMall customer service and he said that they only have 18 (all sizes combined) of these boots left as they are being discontinued. So if I were you I would grab one of these with a quickness before they are history! As far as I can tell from searching the web, ShoeMall is the only retailer who has these in stock. Dave, Since I found these accurate boots, I might use my Gempler's for something else. But they still make a good pair of BARC boots!
  5. Hey Scouts! I found these boots online and thought that they might be a possible candidate for base BARC boots. This store carries the tan boots but I got some extra pictures in the black color to show its dimensions.
  6. That turned out really nice!
  7. Man! I tried looking for those Skecher(GM Forums) shoes online for a whole week and could not find one! I did the same search for used KC Pit Crews and Bedford Stu Modulars and no hits. That's the reason why I just went ahead and got the boots that I found at Gempler's because they're mass produced/readily available and they somewhat resemble the sole of the CGI boots.
  8. Just an idea, since CT.net has made the shins for the GMs, I figure we could probably use the Biker Scout (TB) boots concept in making the BARC shin guard leggings. 1. Heat some vinyl cloth with a heat gun. 2. Form the vinyl to the shin guard and cut down to size and apply velcro closure on calf side (back). 3. Glue the vinyl to the shin guard. 4. Cut holes for the straps and attached all the way around to the back. 5. Attach velcro pieces on the inside and match it on the camo pants or coveralls to hold it securely in place (holster concept on the TB boots). 6. Paint with base color and the camo effect. *Oh, I forgot, use craft foam to keep the vinyl from wrinkling.
  9. I put in a "Want It Now" on the big online auction place for Bedford Stu "Module" and the Kenneth Cole "Pit Crew" boots. I am hoping to get someone to bite and hope they don't ask for too much money. But for the meantime, I will work on my Gemplers Ranger boots. The Bedford Stu "Module". The Kenneth Cole "Pit Crew".
  10. Hi Dave, Yeah cutting them down will cause the zipper to come out when zipped up. I actually lost the left zipper in the process. But I can install some elastics to keep it closed and tight. If you're considering making BARC boots, these are surely comfortable! They don't sell them in half sizes so get one size bigger. I have 9.5 shoes but I had to get 10s. Post some pics when you start yours!
  11. Here are some pics of the progress I made on the BARC boots. Through research I found some hockey shin guards on the big online auction place that closely matches the ones used on screen. I think they run about $30 each. The knee part needs to be cut out and will probably require two sets of shin guards for front and back. The holes will have to covered and the raised center will have to be worked on. I found another set of shin guards that doesn't have any holes in them but has some ribbing on it. These are 15" long and looks more do-able for what we need than the ones above. I used heated craft foam to get the shape and painted it a base color the same of that as the boots (Krylon Fusion River Rock 2323). Since there will be some bending within the arch and toe area of the foot, I will use craft foam coated with gloss Mod Podge for a little flexibility and durability. Camo effect and gloss Mod Podge will be applied later on the armor. The armor is not attached permanently yet, this is just for reference. I also took Army Scout's advice and cut the boots down closer to the ankle. LMK what you guys think.
  12. Hi PGHFett, I really appreciate all of the research, hard work and talent that you put into this project. It's definitely professional quality and I can't wait to see the whole costume completed!
  13. Hi Phillip! Really nice research work! I think the "maker" (Mr. Lucas) has given us costumers a real challenge with the BARC troopers!
  14. Sounds good Jason! Thanks for the update.
  15. Hi Guys! I started school (college) on Tuesday and have been busy with online postings to class. I am finishing up my IT degree in Visual Communications. So, to answer Ross's question about the boots being hot, it does have a very thin layer of insulation material but nothing more than the TB base boots have in them. Thanks for the comments and advice, I will try to do my best to get these boots up to standards. As far as getting the hard armor pieces molded, I have a prototype Sintra that I tried to shape with a heat gun and it has the basic shape but nothing close to what I really wanted. I have in work right now a vacuum forming machine that I can use to make better hard formed armor pieces for the foot, shin and calf pieces. It looks like I will have to rush buildiing the machine as I really need to use it for this project! I will also order some white ABS .90 gauge to match the rest of the armor. Here are some pics of the hard armor for the foot part of the boot. As you can see, the paint is slowly chipping-off. The shape of the armor piece is okay but not hard and clean as Sintra curls as it's heated. So I had to smooth out the shape by hand to make it cleaner and smoother. If you can see the front part of the armor, I had to cut it in the middle as it does not form very well the contours of the toe . It had lots of wrinkles before the cut. That is why vacu-forming this would really do it justice. Here the in-step shot of the armor. Another angled shot. So, is the boot color correct or closely matches that of the CGI pic? I would like to get the right shade so I can start painting both boots with the right material and make it permanent. Please LMK what you guys think. Thanks!
  16. Hi all! Thanks for the comments! Yeah, Denise, these boots have plenty of room for your calves. My calves require more room as well but after putting on the TB suit and tucked-in the legs into the boots they were a snug fit. Here are some pics after I painted the right boot with temporary craft paint just to see how the shade of tan or biege will look. I can always scrape them off later if need be. I will be adding the armored pieces tonight.
  17. Count me in too! BTW, I found this during my searches for the right camo pattern. It almost matches but not quite.
  18. Hi LadyGhost! They cost $58.25 but 4 or more orders is $52.43 at Gemplers. It took only 3 days to deliver.
  19. I got my rubber boots today from Gempler's and they look awesome! They are very comfortable even though they didn't have half sizes so I got 10's instead of 9.5s. They closely resemble the BARC boots from the CGI model. I will start working on the Sintra armored pieces for the boots this week and will post pics as it happens. Please LMK what you guys think. Size 10 Ranger rubber boots. Notice the bridged sole. Here they are in comparison with the TB boots. I tried them on with my TB suit to see how they will look. Close-up shot in TB suit. Side shot in TB suit. Side shot of the zipper. Back shot of the boots.
  20. Welcome Krayvan! Glad to have you with us!
  21. Hi All! I found these rubber boots while searching the web today. I thought these might be close the screen images of the BARC boots that's available to the general public. I figure to make the sole come out looking more like the screen one, we can cut out some craft foam or rubber mats to the contour shape of the side of the sole. After we get the sole's contour shape cut-outs, we can glue them together to the proper thickness and we have ourselves a pair of BARC boots (plus the armored pieces). We would probably need at least two ply of rubber mat cut-outs (depends on mat's thickness) to get the proper thickness for the sole to come out a little. Painting the boots would be a breeze since they are already green. Granted that we still need to paint the soles a biege/tan color. I think I will buy a pair and experiment with the soles and armored pieces to see how they come out. I have some sheets of Sintra that I can probably put in some hot water and bend to shape. I'll post some progression pics of the project.
  22. Hey, does anyone know what kind of base boots we can use to mimic the CGI ones? I was looking last night but I found something like these by Caterpillar. The middle part looks close but the rest of the sole is a bit too thin.
  23. Very nice work indeed!
  24. Hi All! I found this a while back while surfing the net for base guns. This store has peel and spray camo kits that I thought we could use to custom paint the BARC armor. It comes with all the paint needed for camo effect. Please let me know what you think. http://www.kapowwe.com/Merchant2/merchant....acoat-camo-kits
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