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trooper1389 last won the day on January 1 2017

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About trooper1389

  • Birthday 03/13/1967

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    Riverside, California
  • Interests
    Happy wife... Happy life

    Live for the family and to have fun!

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    Southen California
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  1. With some adjustments and extra TLC you should be good. One thing also depends on body type. I'll have a couple of bigger guys try in the chest and back to see if it looks proportioned correctly for their body type.
  2. But good old static burst is always best
  3. I still have my firs E11 I got in 03 still alive and kicking.
  4. Thank you. We're slow but the finish line looks closer than I thought. Lol.
  5. Or you can jus cut out strips of Abs glue them in and clean it up with a little bondo primer and paint. Hope this helps.
  6. Yep I'm making another set of calf and shinguard for taller people. I did gave extra room on the sides of the chest and back for the bigger people that will help them. As for the smaller people they will have to trim it back down. I also added extra material to the side shims for the ab and kidney plates. I'm happy with what's coming out
  7. I'll have to check on that I'll measure the shin guard and get back to you. The shin guards are the main part of the shins, as the shin itself can be adjusted but not the guards. Might have to do a couple of size parts for the shins and fire arms to acomodate people.
  8. OK here is a pic of a couple of suits finished and ready for battle. This is the reason we made this armor was to help the Venezuela Garrison get to the primer in style lol. Augusto thank you for being part of this project without you I would have not done it at all lol. As you can see it was a bit of work to get these done, but in the next few weeks I will be making some adjustments to the shins and start production January. If anyone has questions, don't hesitate to contact me directly. I have never had a problem providing my information in other boards so here it is. tk1389@theimperialdepot.com is my email or trooper1389@yahoo.com my cell in the US 951-532-0616 send me a text first before you call please lol I work odd hours and if i don't answer leave a message. Or on the link below for my FB page. Thanks and enjoy. I will update this post with the build as we start a build from scratch in Jannuary.
  9. Perhaps we can depending on the parts you're looking for. Send me a list of what you need.
  10. I hate it when this happens. Last year a found a guy recasting my stuff and Andy (evo3) helmets out in the Philippines. Lazy a$$ holes that's allli can say.
  11. It should. With shims and a little bit of extra TLC it sould fit fine. One of the guys is 5-11 200 and we adjusted the side shims and he fits in it. Might have to do the same. The good thing bout this suit is it's easier to adjust to almost any size becuse of the NO thighs. I'm 5-8 and had to cut off about one I ch from the fore arms to fit. So I'm thinking in making additional forearms for smaller guys lol.
  12. This kit will fit 5-11 200 lbs 5-10 160 lbs 5-8. 180 lbs 6-0 180 lbs And 5-11 110 wet lmao
  13. I'll post up pictures tomorrow with one of the builds. I'm 5-8 and my friend is 5-11 it fits us both well so it will fit a good range. Like all armor it's made to fit lol.
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