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501st Pathfinder
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About Sentinel

  • Birthday 01/13/1988

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Mississippi Outpost
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. It looks like a scheme of camo known as Blue Tiger...that might help.
  2. 1. Tank too small and too far down 2. Rifles need to be changed. 3. Paint should be mixed, not solid colors splotches. 4. Gloves need to be changed/updated. 5. Need Wrist Cuff 6. Need fabric cod piece
  3. The backpack is too small and too far down. And they're using non-star wars Rifles? In my personal opinion, they don't deserve the title of CB.
  4. They might not have been in that exact scene, but they are a very common part of the Republic's arsenal and probably used frequently by all troopers. The Juggernauts or (Turbo Tanks) would probably have carried them as well.
  5. Congrats, welcome to the Lancer Squad.
  6. Thanks guys, just got back in town..feels good to be finally through. Thanks also to the BSN Lancer panel for being patient.
  7. NEW PICS OF BELT Front Back Sorry that it took so long, my computer was broked...
  8. That does seem to make a lot of sense...lol..can't believe I didn't notice it before. I can fix that this next week after I get back home. -Phil
  9. First: Full Frontal! Side View: Back View: Back Piece w/ Tank: Tank Topper: Helmet (MLC V.1) Snout Piece (Seller in Britain) Belly Stiches (Close Up) Chevron and Suede Patches (Crotch) Vest and Undersuit (Close Up) Gloves (Second Run; Esprit v. 2) Blaster In Holster (Close Up) Balaclava (Close Up of my Ugly Mug) Chest Piece (Close Up) Blaster (Close Up) Action Shot: Blaster Shot Any other additional photos needed, please fill free to ask. Thank you very much for your consideration of my request. -Phil TB-2656 Mississippi Outpost XO
  10. I think they're going to use CB for BARC Designation.
  11. More than likely they've not yet found a definite fit for all persons interested in the costume. I got my base pair from some old boots I used to play paintball in; and had to cut the arch out myself.
  12. That's the tricky part. How to get paint to adhere to rubber...
  13. This may seem like an expensive process, but what about rubber shin plates, so that it can be easily slipped off from the back, with velcro holding it into a hardly visible seam in the back.
  14. This may be a silly question, but how is a person supposed to slip that on? It looks to narrow to fit a foot through, much less my foot.
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