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501st Pathfinder
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Grantd1* last won the day on January 11 2013

Grantd1* had the most liked content!


17 Good

About Grantd1*

  • Birthday 04/09/1973

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    NW UK

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  • 501st Garrison
    UK Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. I use a foam kneepad velcroed to the inside to ensure ridgidity - works a treat
  2. Really nice Heidi - I will have one of these one day!!!!
  3. Any pics? Scratch that....I've just seen the Legoland pix - cool!!!
  4. ooooof - I've trooped a Woodchuck DC15L........I did three hours, switched to my shorty & sold it on a forum lol!!!! However I don't have weight lifting listed as an interest - fair play to you my friend
  5. ...so go on - how did she troop???
  6. How heavy is it mate? Too heavy to troop with? Are you taking it to Brum in March?
  7. Nice nice nice
  8. Now I'm no caster but for asthetics I'd want the barrel with a rod - has too much potential to look a bit dodgy. Again, no expert but could the central barrel & extending muzzle all be one piece - maybe made from wood???? It would look good & if it could be inserted 3, 4, 5" into the stock it would also carry alot of the weight?? Dunno - like it though heh heh
  9. This is cool - what's the weight?
  10. Nice nice nice
  11. Agreed with the chief - my armour, boots & bucket (in bag) are stored on a shelf at the top of my wardrobe. I hang the bund, flak & undersuit.
  12. Definately likin' the progress!!!
  13. Here you go, check this out. Just spray the stuff on - plenty of dirts apparently !!!
  14. Nice to see progress
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