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TK6782 last won the day on January 19 2013

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About TK6782

  • Birthday 05/18/1976

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  1. Combining two expensive hobbies of mine and having a little Halloween fun.
  2. Lol I think that's fairly obvious. No it's not going to be 100% accurate... There is a scooter underneath . It will look like a speeder in the end but not like the movies. Here are a couple more pictures just building up the seat for support as well as support for the body when I sit on it.
  3. Started building a frame under the body of the bike to support my weight. In then going to attack it to a black plastic bin which in turn will attach to the seat post. Will update soon
  4. No sure if they are still available but ill message you contact info
  5. Yes of course the body will be levelled this is just balanced on there with a lick and a promise. Be kinda silly to be riding around an angled speeder. As far as the height I think you are right it has to be a bit taller but not going to go much more. Really want to try to keep the scooter hidden underneath. The body is actually positioned right over the seat and I think it will balance out in the end (fingers crossed)
  6. Okay going to try to use a three wheeled grandma scooter to build a soeeder bike on for parades. This is a basic idea of placement. Question I have is do you think it's too low? My reasoning is that I can cover most the scooter with the build if its this low but, in kinda worried about curbs. For the controls I'm just going to use the ones provided by the scooter for now and mount them in the nose section. The air tank in the picture (without the reg) is basically the same size as the controller body without handles so I think it will fit nice. May create screen like arms for looks and possibly attach to the controller in the future. Any thoughts would be appreciated. This is going to be a very long building process as my two sithlings (ages 1, and 2) take up most my free time. My goal is to be finished by spring Also like to thank SC and Pandatrooper for helping me get this far.
  7. Sc is an older version now.
  8. Oh and remember this is the first generation of SC helmet not the new one!
  9. Thanks griff!
  10. One more question is this similar in size to the original? If so this may help a bit with people wondering about the size http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9028&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1
  11. I have to say these look amazing. I assembled two of the original buckets (which i still have) and I have to say I'm looking forward to assembling one of these. One question will the visor section come cut out in the kit? I hate cutting them out
  12. Well I can't see it why it will be boosting membership maybe lowering the number of new people registering if anything as the cost and difficulty is going up... or, were you speaking of boosting lancer numbers? If you want the costumes to be so close to Lancer why not just make the Lancer requirements the CRL?
  13. Nice! Can't wait to see your progress
  14. That's a classy looking display room. Very nice
  15. Nice! Can't wait to see it
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