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501st Pathfinder
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1 Neutral


  • Birthday 07/30/1974

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  • Location
    Pekin, IL

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Midwest Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. I use a 24gal Task Force brand, very similar to the Stanley. I can easily fit everything in this tote including the helmet. I use the bund as a protector around the helmet.
  2. I would not go with those boots either, maybe for someone borrowing you suit that has a different size foot to get a feel for trooping but that would be it. those boots are "ugly" compared to screen boots and they would be HOT! I have trooped in my boots 10-15 times and they are holding up great, just a little reglue here and there on the edges nothing major.
  3. the only difference in mine is I heated the front vertical piece and put a 90 deg angle on it and riveted that to the main body instead of cutting in the long vertical slit.
  4. also @ lapolicegear.com for $50
  5. Just a heads up this is on clearance for $60 but they only have medium left.
  6. That looks great! Can I ask what kind if armor that is and what size are you?
  7. ESB Fett and TD's are also dark green as well as others I think, they all appear black though. Another lens source is fastenal dg lens. Its lighter than a shade 5 but darker than a 3, it's great for low light events.
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