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About Ladyghost4459

  • Birthday 04/04/1959


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  • Location
    Spring Hill, Florida
  • Interests
    Family, faith, Costuming, charity work, community service, the arts.

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  • 501st Garrison
    Florida Garrison
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  1. "Cheap" or inaccurate. The 10 Foot rule has always allowed for fabric substitutions as well as materials choices availability in one's area. The screen used costumes had things that were "rigged" because of physical limitations. Stitching visibility under normal conditions, (Not under a magnifying glass or microscope) also is a non issue. Are you going for better looking or exclusive?
  2. In regards to the "No visible external stitching" on the but patch ie saddle section, are you saying to glue the stuff on or to use a tread that matches so that it doesn't appear to be a decorative stitching say in a color that doesn't match? Also as to real suede does that eliminate people who refuse to wear animal products and opt for a synthetic suede?
  3. Spooky my Legion Info is classified Legion Only. Did you need something? A TR Is a Royal Guard. I still do scouts suits for a few friends, but no longer have mine. I sold it to a lady who troops a lot more.
  4. I don't see how they can exclude an unseen element from qualifying for Lancer. I mean if the suit is completely appearing right, the under stuff shouldn't be something exclusionary. That's why I stopped being a part of the group because the requirements got too nit picky and some of the stuff really doesn't change the appearance of the costume.
  5. Another solution is not to make the cod piece a "diaper" but a cod piece, not as long where the elastic goes through the legs and crotch and the triangular section sits just above the crotch. It is not necessary for it to go between the legs, only the elastic to reach to the codpiece.
  6. As a female scout, the two piece method has been a great modification. It makes it so much easier to go to the ladies room and not have to strip out of costume for a simple restroom break. I also can have half of my costume on before I get to a venue which is especially nice if you end up having to dress in a parking lot or mixed company. It happens more often than not that there is not a separate or modest changing area. I have used an extra wide belt elastic for my waistband of the trousers and the top with large snaps on the bands to keep it snugly together. It is also great if you have person with a larger bottom than top who needs to use two separate sizes to fit properly. I am a regular top with a a larger bottom. It is also great if your trooper is thin but very tall and needs more length in the torso to crotch area. In my experience, the more practical and comfortable the costume, the more fun it is to troop.
  7. Congrats on your win.

  8. Congrats Mr Bungle. I like that all of your parts colors are consistant from the top of your head to the sole of your shoe. The only trouble I had with other KTs was the piece meal look of parts with different colorings.
  9. Great pix Angelo. You really did us proud.
  10. Yep there should be two lumbar pouches... Definitely the talk of at least 4 differnt forums....
  11. Wow....so much better with the upgrades. I have posted over in the GML forum and lets see what LMO and peer reveiw has to say.
  12. That last dye job looks way better. It's all coming together really well Angelo. The rubber bits on the gloves really are looking good. The new codpiece and camo work looks great. I am only sorry that Ross didn't get some of the armor when it was available. Keep up the the trailblazing.
  13. I have to say we have lost quite an artisan here by selfish others who have compromised his work. His skills are phenominal and it just sucks that another so-called "brother at arms" would stoop so low. I think Mike was a great asset to the Legion and I am sorry that he has been so disheartened. I support his stance as do many others of us. recasting is stealing!!
  14. Congarats Bob. Forward.
  15. Great job Tim. I am glad I could help. Sorry I took so long to do my part.
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