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plagu3is last won the day on November 21 2024

plagu3is had the most liked content!


775 Excellent


About plagu3is

  • Birthday 10/10/1988


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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
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  • Location
    Jacksonville, FL

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  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. You can cut the foam into a U shape and still be able to use your pouches, I’ve done it on all the scouts I’ve assisted building and it’s worked very well for phones keys wallet cards etc.
  2. If you want something a bit cheaper without sacrifice in quality. http://www.endorfinders.com/product/rogue-one-trooper-gloves
  3. No wait time now and cheaper than the other option.
  4. nice side by side comparison Also should note EF gloves have a nice and soft lining, not widely talked about but it's where the craftsmanship really shines, with the involvement of the communities It's like the feeling of petting a baby seal without it being made from such, haha. Also if you have very large hands the material stretches very well. So if you needed XXL gloves my gloves I would highly recommend.
  5. My pants got tighter looking at this helmet, Cyber Scout can you build me one?
  6. I'd like to thank Chex who helped me every step of the way, Bluecyclone and Marcel with your recommendations and Witness for being so funny Everyone else who believed this was possible thank you aswell *grabs my Emmy*
  7. Lol you're silly witness, and it's especially funny cause I noticed your new avatar :3
  8. sry my bad the suspense is like omg omg!
  9. it's really late on the east coast and made my friend shaun take pictures of me in my new cummerbund and pouches by Ladysewforus
  10. hopefully in the next 2 weeks my new cummberbund from ladysew4us will be in and I'll put new pictures up
  11. I will get on that may take awhile but it'll be done
  12. my new greeblies! :] I'll be hitting refresh for the next few days every 20mins
  13. and where Chex told me to get mine as well ;]
  14. so lucky congrats bro I told you you'd beat me darn greeblies! texting you now :F
  15. Thanks for the tip jeff is a good guy I'll email him right away
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