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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by ArtFrane

  1. My bad. DJ got back to my question via ebay. The listings just ran out of time so he's putting them back up. Nothing to see here. This is not the greeblie you're looking for
  2. Quick heads up here. I just (finally) got around to ordering the greeblie from Don Jarr. Looks like he isn't making the part for the scout TD anymore, just the endor commando badge, which we know has the same piece attached on the left side. This may be old news as I'm not around the forums very much.
  3. Wondering if anyone else used the 24-7 and had to patch up/stitch after taking the pockets off. A couple of them were a real bear to remove and I ended up with some small tears in the suit material that won't be concealed by the diaper or riding patches. The thigh elastic might cover it up. How many visible "fix-it" stitches (small ones, visible only if you look closely) before the suit is considered unserviceable? Is this a GML question?
  4. Hey all, not sure if this okay by forum standards, since I'm talking up a commercial outfit, but Joann's is running Military Discount days Feb 17-20. I know a lot of us are active/prior service vets, and that's all their asking for (proof of current or prior service) for 20% total purchase. Figured I'd share this for anyone looking to get gear for the soft armor.
  5. Hah. Answered my own question with that handy search feature "Also the clips that hold your TD on will have to come off for lancer, the TD only wants to be tie wrapped on as per film and possibly a shade shorter bro. Your not far off though and you have a tidy scout there mate." - DL from: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=7729&hl=tank&fromsearch=1
  6. So you looped the ties around the hose where they would be concealed behind the box? Sounds like a solid alternative. On the accuracy point though, is there anything that says we MUST use the clips for Pathfinder approval? I don't see mention of the clips on the Legion's CRL, just that the TD is attached to the belt. http://www.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TB_Scout_trooper Just want to make sure. Is the DL in the room?
  7. That lid looks great! Couple questions for you. How big did you drill through for the rivets and what length rivets are those? (1/8" size by the looks of it, but what length to make it through the helmet?) Thanks!
  8. This is excellent. Anybody try this with an MLCv3 yet? I might have to give this a shot. Will post a thread if I do.
  9. Running into this problem, too. I'm going to use my dad's drill press when I go visit him next week. The instructions I got with my kit from MC say it's a 1/8" hole for the rivet head on the "front" of the clip, and 1/2" on the "back" side.
  10. No word from Aggie yet. But just found this yesterday. Anybody know the status of this proposed interview: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8994&st=0&p=72667&hl=decals&fromsearch=1entry72667
  11. Clicking 'send' in 3...2...
  12. Thanks for that, Jim. Just a quick thought, and since I'm new at this, I'm ready to accept this idea is all kinds of wrong. But has anybody contacted Aggie Guerard Rogers to ask if she knows what these things were made from? I haven't found contact info for Nilo Rodis-Jamero. aggie@aggierodgers.com...worth a shot?
  13. I've built a lot of Tamiya kits, and the closest this piece comes is to the tail plate on a tank. But that "mirror" piece with the four cylinders throws me off. I'm tempted to say they're opposite sides to a naval ship's con tower, but the cylinders look too much like the exhaust cans on the back end of a tank. Also, the notch that we keep arguing about going up or down looks like it would nestle down over a piece of spur on the tank hull, or it's where the top deck of the tank would fit in. They'd have to come from the same kit, given how similar they are. I'm digging around Tamiya's product list. If I find anything, I'll post it here. In the meantime, can someone point me to DJ...if he's still producing the fansculpts?
  14. Beautiful. I'll be using this technique for sure. Thanks for the how-to, John!
  15. Are these no longer available then? I read somewhere else on the forums that 3M has made the bolts black now:http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/Health/Safety/Products/Catalog/?PC_7_RJH9U5230GE3E02LES9MG812H2_nid=MBT2FXJJJFgsQQFFG1G8R7gl6DNLTDJ6MFbl
  16. Wow. Glad I ordered mine unpainted. I know it's a lot more work, but maybe not Hope everything works out for your lids.
  17. Still waiting to hear from them with a ship date. Probably looking at early January before I have anything in hand. I'm not freaking out...yet.
  18. The soles look wrong, so I'm guessing the Lancers wouldn't approve them. I'm a n00b here, but from what I've read around the forums, screen accuracy is screen accuracy. DOH...yeah, I'm a n00b...didn't notice this was for the Kashyyyk. My comments on foot pain still stand though Other than that, I guess if you can get the leather to stand up on them right, why not. Only other thing I'll add is that the one pair of shoes I got at Walmart made my feet hurt worse than a 25 mile overnight road march...and I've done one of those. Save yourself the pain and get something of better quality, IMO.
  19. Brilliant! Man, I was all set to start off my adventures in 501st-land with a TK set. You know, go classic, get my kit building skills up to speed. No way I'm going to put off building a TB now. LW, please put me on your extensive waitlist. I must have one of these lids!
  20. Great build thread, Jason! I'm adding this to my collection of resources for when I'm ready to start my TB build. Looking forward to seeing the finished product!
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