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PFD Recruit
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About kihl

  • Birthday 09/04/1982

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  • Location
    Key West, FL

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  • 501st Garrison
    Florida Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Cool, see you there!
  2. Thanx Colin!!!
  3. I did the same thing but recessed my iPhone in the foam, it is about equal in weight with the speaker in the other pocket. Hopefully I can troop soon to try it out also!
  4. How did I miss this, sorry for your loss Chex. And Congratulations! maybe after I figure out this undersuit, get my new chest pulled, and repaint everything again... I can join you.
  5. 12v fan with 9v and a switch X2, but I need to move the 2 switches as I'm going for pathfinder now!
  6. Not a problem! Just like when I make mods to my truck and everyone wants to know "how did you do that!?"
  7. Thanx guys! The sleeves are done and good then! And actually ataching that mock piece to the back of my armor would be an easy mod! I know its all about how it looks, but as I look threw the Lancer pages I see everyone laying out theyre pieces individually... so I was a lil worried!
  8. I have a modded under suit with the Flak Vest sleeves stitched onto the under suit at the sholders. Looks and works great but will this keep me from Lancer approval? The only reason I want to keep from adding another layer to my costume is that I live in a Tropic Zone where it NEVER gets below 60 degrees, maintains a high humity, and summer tempitures around a constant 98 degrees! Thanx
  9. Yup! thats why it turned blue! LOL
  10. So I have this awesome pink and blue stain on one of my pockets, looks like a Rocket Popsicle now! Wont come out! I'm going to get new pockets later (off white), but for now just wondering if you guys had any weathering ideas to cover a smudge like that? ...More dirt? ...Ewok blood stain that trickles down pocket? I don't want to add anything to the rest of the armor just this one pocket. AND what materials should I use to do the weathering correctly on fabric?? Any help will be appreciated!
  11. I wont lie, I kept checking my action figures for reverence as I was putting it on Its up on the Trade thread if any smaller framed guys want a sweet Fiber Glass piece for an un-cut one (fiber glass or not)...
  12. I sent him a PM asking, still waiting on reply. I hate to hear that cuz I really like this fiber glass! I'm also really OCD about stuff matching. I'm working on TZA Republic Commando armor that is ABS. so I know there will be a big difference!
  13. Don't know what the shiny patches on the undersuit are all about, I'm really not too happy with the whole undersuit. I've been wearing Dickies for trooping. it's an MLC, do you know if they made any larger chest pieces in fiberglass? EDIT: Holly Chit! I had the under suit on backwards! I guess I was to use to Navy coveralls! they are now butt squares not above thigh squares! still need to work on a flap. also should the riding patches not be so shinny? Thanx guys
  14. Yes it is! and noted thanks
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