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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Ghost219

  1. Thanks for the information. I did a bit of research and i was able to dig up a conversation from years ago with ACRYLIKHAN. Dumb question but is anyone familiar with him? He had an awesome tutorial and that is what got me into doing this but, life ( wife, kids, work etc. ) had other plans. Now that i have time to get back to trying this again that thread would be an awesome resource but i cant find it. If anyone knows where i can dig up that info it would be super great.
  2. Can anyone provide an average or estimated cost for a lid kit. Guess i want to weigh the cost of modding, molding and casting compared to just building one.
  3. Yea, i checked out that link but it was not really informative, although i do appreciate you putting something up. Im looking for materials used ex. Reinforcement materials, adhesives, putty etc. Im just trying to avoid the pitfalls of non compatable materials.
  4. Oh, and a big thank you to those who took the time to reply.
  5. So i have looked thru the armor section under helmets and i have found a few posts that reference the dp/rubies lids but the images dont load or are not availabe on most of them. Any ideas? A point in the right direction would be great.
  6. Hello all! First let me say that it is a pleasure and a privledge to be in the ranks of so many talented and dedicated fans. So here's the deal. I have an old don post bucket and given my tight budget i wanted to mod it to an acceptable point, pull a mold and use that as a starting platform to eventually have something i can join/troop with...maybe one day lancer status. What im looking for is the most comprehensive/informative thread or tutorial on repurposing my old don post lid. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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