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501st Legion (RET)
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About runnriottt

  • Birthday 03/30/1977

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  • Interests
    My Kids, The gifts in life you cant keep, only pass on knowledge. My AWSOME wife that puts up with me... Kendo, Mountain biking, Motorcycles,Chevys, And of course the 501st!

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. The Lancer squad is growing. Great job. You have a very very good set of armor.
  2. Sweet! Great job and The Lancers are growing!
  3. Congrats bro! You earned it. Feels good dont it!
  4. Ohh... Shiny... OR should I say Bouncy... Awsome man!
  5. I have the problem of the biceps falling as well. I wrap them and put the biceps over the cuff of the vest. Then I added a snap to hold the bicep to the vest. That puppy dosent go anywhere. My shoulder armor is the same way, snap to the strap on the chest, and then to the vest. I dont do jumping jacks or anything. The arm plates are more like lower elbow gaurds. I might ride mine a little high. I also agree on the shoulders, adding a little to them would look better. The gap will look less with your biceps up. Just add a little to the bells... great job bud. Not many build there own. I am totaly impressed!
  6. Attention to Detail and a desire to be the best you can pay off man! Awsome and welcome. Glad to have you aboard the Lancer squad. Congrats!
  7. Earned it man! Great looking rig. Although you will never be done tweeking...
  8. Awsome blaster marks man... I actually am so going to do that someday... Looking good, keep up the good work!
  9. I only have a coupe of questions / suggestions... I only have 2 rivits in my whole costume. Looking at the screen caps, I only count two I can see... There are two end rivits on the belt. Is the change in kits the diffrence? Meaning an SC mounts diffrent than the MC? Am i bein to nitpicky? What type of helmet? Its hard to make out details on the pics provided. Dig the weathering. Great job on your armor. Lancer is in the details... Hell, I am still always looking to improve my costume.
  10. Awsome work there bud... Cant wait to see you armored up!
  11. cant wait to see the scout!


  12. Your suit is top notch Lancer! Welcome! Great job. Feels good dont it! Oh yea, You have first watch. Dont let any Ewoks steal our rides...
  13. Very interested in the full kit. I have quietly watched your amazing work. Though I am confused on the helmet... I would like to be a clean white BARC though...
  14. thanks runriottt!

    and my birthday IS in august!)

    just kidding; but thanks boss!

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