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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by bobtherocker73

  1. i've not been posting much here lately (got the clone bug) but it's nice to still see people striving for Lancer status. My own feelings here are (and not to bring you down Ryan mate, but this is worth all the effort you can muster) Helmet; the vents at the top of the snout should be filled and decaled (painted if you cant get decals but definately filled) change the snout greeblie for something with a better mic tip (that one IS nitpicking but for my liking you can find much better) The weathering is too extreme in places (boots!!). A healthy balance is needed with this i think. There are a few areas that seem over done and other areas under done. I know weathering is a personal preference but if we're trying to mimick screen accuracy as much as possible to reach lancer status then the weathering needs toning down some. No biker in the movie looked that mucky. all the things people have mentioned here are easily fixed they may require Just a bit more effort but thats what being a lancer is all about.
  2. congrats Nathan, job well done.
  3. looking good bro You got my vote.
  4. sorry to hear about your hand buddy. it's bizarre how you visualise something like that happening then it happens. i used to get that with my skateboard, "i'm not gonna make it, i'm not gonna make it..........WOLLOP!!.........i didn't make it" this is the reason i never went pro i had no faith. (actually i was a terrible skateboarder)
  5. Aww, shucks, thanks guys. i'm very proud to be Lancer deployed. I definately couldn't have done it without the help of the good folks here at BS.N i will hopefull see some of you at C4.
  6. yup, a quick nip and tuck should do the trick. i only noticed after i'd de-kitted and uploaded the photos. as i said in my original post, i'm the only thing that lets the costume down by being such a skinny waif
  7. O.K., managed to find time and a willing photographer to get some more pics up helmet detail topper detail cannister detail T-piece detail (realised the two circles on the square portion are facing out rather than in, an easy fix) glove and blaster detail heightened biceps and brought everything round to the front (also noticed the vest poking out, again just needed a biker expert photographer to notice that instead of a disinterested housemate trying to eat his lunch) i am more than happy and willing to adjust anything else that needs it.
  8. detail pictures coming right up. should i submit photos of re-positiioned biceps?
  9. Requesting deployment as per Lancer standards. I would just like to mention that apart from some small details i cannot take credit for the quality of my kit. After all I'm really only wearing it and only put together a costume made up of work, time, effort and quality put in by other artisans. With this in mind can i say any Kudos (if any ) offered should go to MonCal, MLC and Ladyghst for their Commitment, artistry and perfectionist approach to this costume. without them it wouldn't be possible to look this good, if anything i could improve it by eating a few more pies . So, Credit where credit is due. and to the pictures. a biking shot for good measure detail photos can be added on request. All requirements met, I hope, with the exception of boot sole detail. thanks i await your decision
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