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BananoPower22 last won the day on June 18 2012

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About BananoPower22

  • Birthday 10/27/1992

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    Naranjito, Puerto Rico

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    Puerto Rico Garrison
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  1. Sorry I haven't posted anything in a LONG time, but stuff happened and I wasn't really able to work on anything at all. I bought a *BAD* case of snow trooper armor on the 501st boards and i am stuck with that as well, and also wanting to fix my mando so it can be up to the mercs' standards, and also trying to finish a ODST helmet so i can use it as a mold to do some spare buckets for fun. so yeah, i want to do so much but i ain't really doing anything and since i've been using the scout so much recently so i think it's best for me to give it some upgrades to make it look nice and tidy so maybe in time i can reach the lancer status.
  2. noted. will change the hip boxes strap to off white as soon as possible. and the strap that holds together the chest and back is already off white, just forgot to take a picture. silly me lol. For the soles of the boots, is there a specific type of paint i should buy so i can paint them?
  3. Here's the helmet: if i recall correctly, it's an MC snout w/ a riser plate and solid mic tip (if that's what it's called, i'm confusing tk things with tb things... again) 3M bolt covers and cut out ear holes back side an extra picture of the back side just to make sure the decal is placed correctly maybe i should sand smooth the ear holes... also, this gap between the back side of the helmet and the visor - would it be a problem? it's the way the helmet was made... not my fault now, this is where it gets tough for me. i haven't touched this area since i finished building the armor because i have no clue how to make this area lancer approvable I was told that i shouldn't paint the inside of the bucket completely black, that i could use some black fabric and glue it inside the helmet to simulate dark areas. is this okay? my boots - i was told that the tan was WAY too bright and this needed to be changed to a darker tan. which type of paint can i use for this so it's screen accurate? blaster - painted with flat black. i added a tiny strip of velcro on the front of the 'trigger guard' (if that's what it's called, my english sometimes is horrible. my first language is spanish) and another tiny strip of velcro inside the holster so it wouldn't fall off when i walk. NOT PICTURED HERE: Mudflap Riding Patch Gloves (but they're sith armor gloves, are these okay for lancer?) Undersuit (this, i've got it all covered. I removed all the pockets and zippers so it should be okay) do you guys need any more pictures? just say so! thanks for looking and any input would be REALLY appreciated!
  4. Hey there everyone! I just wanted to share with you the Lancer progress that I'm about to start. I'm MILES away from being an actual Lancer, but I'm willing to go for it all the way and be the one and only Lancer in Puerto Rico. Here are some pictures of how my armor is right now, and if you feel like something should be fixed, please say so! I'll post again to show you guys where i might need some help and what's missing in this puzzle so i can finally become a true lancer and stand out among you guys! I can't wait to actually feel proud of myself by being a lancer
  5. i have the trooperbay one and the neck it's long, so it should cover your giraffe neck
  6. have you checked out the balaclava sold by trooperbay?
  7. this looks good, can't wait to see more
  8. finally managed to buy the flat black paint and... voila! what do you guys think? I'm in love :wub:
  9. Couldn't buy the spray paint yesterday but I'll def do it today. I sprayed some chrome paint on the pistol, here's how it looks dry and this is the can, if maybe one of you're interested in chroming something
  10. can you show a picture of how tiny the strip is on the blaster and the holster?
  11. Good news! I found an old galon of bondo that i had on the back of my car, so i went ahead and bondoed the bubble holes... the sanding isn't perfect but i tried my best. now, after all of that was done i used some chrome spray paint as a base color in case the flat black, which i'm about to buy in a couple of minutes, scratches or wears off the chrome paint will be revealed and eureka! battle damage
  12. I've started sanding the pistol down and I'll buy some bondo tomorrow and I'll do my best to fix it. And I'll also buy some flat black spray paint. Question: is there a way to keep the gun steady so you can walk without having to worry about the pistol falling down to the ground? The pistol doesn't fit very well in the holster.
  13. i'm out of bondo sadly so i went ahead and sanded the pistol however i could and sprayed some black satin on it, the bubble holes aren't very noticeable now. you won't see them unless you're really looking for them sadly im not pleased how the black ended up looking. i might sand it later and repaint so it's not so shiny
  14. finally after long waiting my resin pistol is here. I just glued the scope and i'm waiting for the e6000 to fully cure so i can then start painting it BUT there's a problem with the pistol.. check out the pictures bubble holes EVERYWHERE! should i contact the seller about this problem or should i just bondo it, sand it, forgive and forget?
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