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CROW62 last won the day on April 15 2021

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About CROW62

  • Birthday 06/22/1962

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    Ambato, Ecuador
  • Interests
    RL CO Ecuador Outpost
    Make boots for:
    Republic Commando
    Royal Guard
    Darth Maul
    TK Rebels
    Jess Gistang Femtrooper

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    Garrison Ecuador
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  1. We don't ask shoesizes but your real foot lenght cause sizes vary from maker to maker.
  2. Thanks for the amazing review video. A pleasure make your pair.
  3. No Problem, ,I printed all the images in this thread and put in a wall to let see to my team the changes in the current and future orders
  4. Giovanni here, after read this post, I am going to make changes tou our biker boots, thanks for your effort.
  5. Hello Luis, yes I was thinking in use tan canvas as base for the pouches About the uniforms, I am waiting for my 95 dessert clothes to emulate the camo design, add the color that normally people dye, so, the result will be a sublimated fabric ready to cut and make the shirt and trousers, and yes, with the cammo fabric on hand I will can offer the soft parts included woth pouches cummerbund gloves and boots
  6. Mike thanks, for the pouches sizes is perfect the CRL, I want to know in the cummerbund what is the widht of the gray ribbon and what is the separation distance between ribbon and ribbon?
  7. Hello there, I am making the gloves with the accurate gray rubber, about the pouches I can make them without problem, just need the sizes to make patterns, same thing with the cummerbund, my seamstress in the workshop will make all the soft parts. BTW, I started to assemble my Kashyyyk and I will be my own guinea pig. Cheers Giovanni (crowprops)
  8. All for my brothers and sisters
  9. Hello guys and gals , Giovanni, Crowprops owner here, I loved to see you like my efforts to make a decent biker boot, I am here to announce that based in some bikers askings, I am launching a new option to make your boots in the traditional way, I am making a base boot with the accurate sole, so, you will can add the vynil as the usual mode. Please go to my website Crowprops dot com from tomorrow or may be in few hours to know the new item based in popular asking. Don't forget that we remade the gloves based in feedbacks and now are more bigger forearms as the originals. Thanks for your time on read this. Giovanni Rodriguez
  10. I know this is an old thread, just to let you know that I am working in make the sierra sneakers soles replica to make accurate boots in white leather, working in more accurate gloves too, soon videos and images
  11. Thanks so much, this is a generous offer, I am wondering if is enough the soles pics that round over here from the sierra boots to make a DWG file?
  12. Roman is thin, I see he trimmed his armor shins to his measures, the back section can not down cause the leather talon diameter, the only solution I see is add extra lenght in the sides unions to make more internal space letting down the armor.
  13. Thanks guys, I trimmed yesterday all parts and started to cut under my measures I used a Jango boot for the test cause was the only model avalaible on my size in that moment, I will make a white pair to me soon, I am not sure yet if I will use heat gun or hot water to give the shape before glue the shins, by now I am learning the back tank tricky part, I want to be sure before cut, this forum has a lot of references that will help me.
  14. Congrats Roman, this assembly was fast.
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