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M.J last won the day on July 25

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About M.J

  • Birthday 05/16/1964


  • Member Title
    Biker Scout

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    50+ TB
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  1. Hi ya Paul, Being the young lady, she can also have a two piece undersuit.
  2. Hi ya Kirsten, Oh this brings me back, it can be quite a mine field fitting armor to a smaller frame. I agree with Retrofire, before cutting and moulding start on the vest and Cummerbund, these will change the fitting of the armour. Your front chest piece looks good the back piece is a smidge low, the back neck line is a little low than one would want and you can see there are not yet matching. Though before adjustments, get those soft parts up and running. I concur with the bell, it is a tad large and the arm piece, I like how you've marked it out, go by the old saying "less is more" don't be afraid to mould it in, if you haven't done it before I would suggest hot water, mould the arm parts to your body only so slightly.
  3. Good to hear. There are a couple of different ways, I have a strapping system. Others do the vest/ overalls / chest Armor with Velcro. The strapping is over the shoulders, this gives the bun movement with you and is also adjustable, using less Velcro.
  4. Glad Chris is helping with the strapping. You’ll need to bring the bun up, is it attached anywhere? Basically to keep it up. Otherwise it will drop drown when least expect it.
  5. Hi ya Drew again, glad you got the photos up . As I mentioned your drop box fabric is elastic, you’ll find it easier to replace and sit better with webbing, mentioned places you can find these and Chris has offered some for you, the photos in Knightfall the elastic is pulling and you can see there hooked and stretched. You’ll will notice the swap over and will look more towards the movie scout.
  6. Hello Drew, Welcome to Pathfinders A potential Knightfaller. Looking forward to watching your build. Any Questions please reach out
  7. Ahh thats good! Basically its hidden. Thank you for clarifying. The name of the seam has eluded me. I'll remember it when I'm in the shower.... and forget again.
  8. Coughs! I'm a lady. Two piece suit, mens shirt and cargo pants both altered. We are hitting 40 atm Lachy, drink plenty of water. Nothing wrong with having two under suits, btw the two piece isnt as thick as the over alls.
  9. You can bring down the "quality "I think thats what they call it, by running them though social media. Do you know how to attach with the button on the right side "other Media" 🙂
  10. Hi ya Melanie, Not quite sure what you meant about the seam's on the cummberbun and where it is. Would love to see photos, before I can advise. Btw good job on the vest and overalls, I did do a two piece, nothing stopping you making one for those long trooping days also you can use lighter fabric.
  11. loving the detail, thank you for sharing your build with us.
  12. Hi ya Dom, With my flack vests I didn't have a seam, its a little more work though I found it neater, it doesn't mention this on the CRL so its more to what you prefer. Sewing the leather to the flight suit, yes you can use a sewing machine, it is a little tricky to manoeuvre the machine around. Remember the black elastic to pop that in.
  13. Welcome Back Julien, Everyone is different, I tend to start with the soft parts making sure they fit, as you start on adjusting and trimming your armour, you'll have to build and fit them around your soft parts. Little hint : Never try your armour on with one layer of clothing it can be deceiving, thickness does change how everything fits. Good idea to start on the armour before the helmet and go slow if it is your first time trimming working with ABS.
  14. HI ya Fox, I do tend to resort to hand sewing myself. Though food for thought, I held off buying a Heat gun, never needed and thought it was only going to be for my scout build so I did most of it with hot water and hair dryer. I did buy that heat gun and thought "Dam I should've gotten ages ago" it has come in handy in so many cases. Its pretty much like the sewing machine, you may need one for this costume, though down the track you may want to fix or make something else, hem pants or curtains etc and the Sewing machine will pay for itself. A low level machine with no bells or whistles will do you just fine, and if you do move the dial its easy to fix, I tend to take a photo or take note on were everything sits that I have found comfortable. You tube is great to show how to use them, I finally got a heavy duty machine and that bobbin is side on, I'm still watching a video everytime I need to rethread that sucker. Just putting it out there, I attach my cod elastic up the back in the cummberbun, though its also at the front in the cummberbun as well.
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