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501st Pathfinder
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c0wboi last won the day on February 18 2012

c0wboi had the most liked content!


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About c0wboi

  • Birthday 06/07/1978

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  • Location
    Dewey, AZ
  • Interests
    I'm a huge Star Wars fan, and also a geek in general. Love Airwolf, Star Trek, Aliens, and just about anything else you can think of! Big on freedom, big on family, and excited as all get out to be part of this!

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Dune Sea Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Regardless, I'm still carrying my DLT-19
  2. I have a Hyper Firm DLT-19. I've added a scope and I troop ALL the time with it. Only at canon or non-weapon events do I leave it behind. It makes 100% sense for a scoped long gun to be part of the CRL. Please?
  3. I had the same thought, Chex. If you do it, let me know and I can chip in a few....
  4. Heheheh done and done! Can't wait to get them!
  5. Ditto to Chex. Velcro on top of bund and inside of chest armor, never had a problem!
  6. Good job and congrats boss! Good to have you back!
  7. Bump! I definately need a new greeb!!! If anyone has any info.... Thanks!
  8. Different states have different laws. Here in AZ its legal to openly carry real guns... Nobody blinks an eye at a star wars guy carrying a rifle. Even loading or unloading in regular clothes its no problem. At one event I had to had a zip tie put through the trigger guard, but its not common. Freedom is awesome!
  9. I ordered a hyperfirm DLT-19, which is basically the MG-34 with greeblies. Then I just glued on a rifle scope, and I've got my sniper. Will work great for if/when I go snowie, too. The 42 will be fine!
  10. My assembled helmet was 4 weeks late, and that was back in Feb. KS does awesome work, worth the wait!!!!
  11. They aren't too loud.... The fans themselves are quiet, but right by your temples they are noticeable. I can still hear fine, though. If someone is loud enough to be heard through the bucket anyway, you will hear them.
  12. Looks good! I bought some of the specialized ones, but put them in the same place. They make a HUGE difference!
  13. What they said! It always looks weird without the bund on. Trim the bottom of the shoulder bells for sure. No more than an inch, and maybe a wee bit on top. Looks good!
  14. Order a KS, you won't regret it!!! Awesome helmet.
  15. Bump!!!! Ticket received and donation made!!!!!
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