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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by pean12

  1. Howdy all. Is the photo shoot limited to folks with full costume only? I'm picking up my Patrol trooper bucket on Thurs but I don't have the full costume. I have the detachment racing shirt... Anyway, it's ok if it's limited to just full costume.
  2. Drool. I saw the Hot Toys post this morning and it rocks big time.
  3. Is your helmet a MLC v2 by chance?
  4. Altman owners, is there a "wonkiness" to the helmet, like stormtroopers with the uneven left to right side? Mine seems to "pull" to one side.
  5. Oh man, would love to have one of these.
  6. I've had 2 MLC and the visor is in there, no lens. You should be very safe. M brought the helmet to Singapore and I got it from him. Nice chap.
  7. Mike, Would love to get one of your helmets when it's ready. It's an amazing piece.
  8. Well done! The squad grows.
  9. Congrads and welcome to the Lancers.
  10. You beat me to that. The panels on the cumberbund, do they need to be evenly spaced out? Also, can't see the vest really well. Camel's Toe? Can't see much problems with anything else.
  11. Yo there Jim, Welcome to the Lancers. Would have done this earlier but have been traveling for work.
  12. Yeah, a white Barc would be cool.
  13. That is really great work there! You've given me some ideas for my belt as well. Can't wait to see what it all comes together like.
  14. Hi all, I've had a look at the stills from the DVD and it appears that the Scouts do not have the Camel Toe effect that you see quite often on the diaper area. While it does not appear to be a reqiurement on the current Lancer standard, would this not help us look more accurate? The fix for the camel toe is actually quite easy and you can retro fit it into any cummberbund. I did that to my existing bund. For consideration.
  15. Is it just me or does the Insider illustration make the BARC look "meaner"? I also noticed that the illustrator added some details to the helmet that does not look like the screen BARC.
  16. We can use the before and after shots as a spoof of slimming/make over ads....
  17. Just for laughs, here is my submission pictures for 501st membership. Haha! VS I feel like one of those make over folks.
  18. Helmet: V2 MLC Armour: Mostly MonCal Boots & Cumberbund: The wife Overalls & Vest: Local tailor. Most of our Garrison have dubbed her our Imperial Tailor as she has done a few different costume from Tie Pilot, AT-AT Driver, Imperial Officer etc. Gloves: The source is from our boards
  19. Hi Philip, Thanks for the kind words. Truth be told, there was never much spare cash lying around till I switched jobs recently. The new job has given me some small luxuries like getting a new suit, vest and some other parts. That was primary the hold up. However, the big push came last week when we got a request from Lucasfilm here in Singapore (yup, not many people know this) to support them at an event. Pictures of our suits had to be sent back to the US for clearance before we were cleared to troop. That really made me push to get myself as good as I could get my costume to the next level. Gotta fly the pathfinder standard high.
  20. Here's the picks to support my application: Overall Costume Costume Details 2-piece Vest/Overalls T-Bits on Bicep Armour Crotch Padding Butt Flap Gloves Helmet Vest Under the Armour Boots Tank Topper THANKS FOR LOOKING Any other piks you require, just fire away.
  21. Thank you Kindly Jay! I'm re-stiching my bund to get it up to spec.
  22. Need a clarification on the number of vertical strips on the cummerbund, is it 6 strips with 7 stiches or 7 strips with 8 stiches. Boy, my brain hurts. This is for Lancer standards.
  23. Yup, hope you get better and fit enough to tear a wookie's arms off Jason.
  24. I don't know if this has been discussed elsewhere (apologies if it has) but is it possible for a BARC to be Death Star White? Not asking if it'll be 501st canon. I've just been reading Vol 9 of the Clone Wars comic trade paperback and there appears to be BARC troopers in plain white - kinda like a precursor to our ROTJ Scout Trooper. I know comics take certain liberties but thought it would be interesting to see a Barc in white next to a Scout.
  25. That is so darn sweet. Now this looks like my next costume project.
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