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501st Legion (RET)
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About TB-8719

  • Birthday 07/22/1987

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    The Netherlands

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  1. Codpiece needs to be a little tighter in my opinion. Otherwise it looks great! It's always a pleasure for the eyes to see a weathered RS Scout.
  2. Before i build my armor i weathered it. Easier to do, no paint on the straps etc and use some sort of test piece to try your weathering. Like the guys said before, this is the most accurate way to do it because they did it like this on the real costumes. In my opinion a weathered scout looks sooooo much better.
  3. Awesome! You made me change my mind with those pictures! JFO Scout incoming!
  4. I was planning on coming back to the Legion and doing a ROTJ scout.. More i see this the more i want it! It has such an unique look to it.
  5. Congratulations Lancer!
  6. This.... is.... AMAZING STUFF! Iam amazed by your research and dedication! Top notch work Constantin!
  7. Awesome Fabien! i still need an extra helmet, so please let us enjoy your progress.
  8. In my opinion the holster is to low on the boot...
  9. Excellent build, i'd like to see it weathered though
  10. Awesome! I can't wait to see more progress.
  11. Excellent! looks great.
  12. Trooperbay is the size you need, i used them on my old KS.
  13. They are correct this way Jasmine May i suggest one thing? Open up the ear-vents more, it should looks better. Other than that, your doing a great job so far.
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