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501st Legion (RET)
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About ozarkscout

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    10+ TB
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    Memphis, TN

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    Mid-South Garrison
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  1. Can someone please confirm the correct rivet color for the knee armor? The CRL on 501st.com says it is silver, but the Lancer standards on BSN say it is white. Which one should I go by? Recommend someone make the correction on whichever one is wrong, to avoid confusion... thanks!! -Mike
  2. Let me add my kudos on this... just got my new one from Jeff yesterday and it looks fantastic... thank you sir! Top = Old SC with painted vinyl non-skid furniture feet greeblies Bottom = New SC with DJ greeblies
  3. Thanks for the added thoughts, LW...
  4. Apologies if this has already been covered in another thread, but I came across a picture in the recently-published Star Wars Character Encyclopedia that has some details I hadn't seen before. We all know that still photos are taken at various stages of the production, so I don't know whether any of these things actually made it on-screen, but I thought they were interesting, regardless. Here is the page devoted to our favorite tree-hugger: Here are some observations I had about the photo (detail images below): 1) The pouches appear to be secured to the cummerbund, rather than the chest plate. 2) The black band above the belt seems to indicate the codpiece is separate from the cummerbund. 3) The belt boxes appear to be threaded on to a thinner white belt. 4) The crotch strap appears to be threaded through the codpiece or sewn on top of it, rather than attached underneath it. 5) There appear to be some straps securing the boot holster.
  5. I know the original question was about a flightsuit, but I used a racing suit and replaced the zipper with velcro so it would be softer and lay flatter. It also helps when you can unfasten -part- of the closure to use the restroom without completely disrobing. I am a novice at sewing but this was not difficult to do. I bring this up because I think you could easily lengthen a flightsuit by adding additional fabric in the middle as you suggested, but use velcro instead of a zipper to seal the whole thing back up.
  6. Congrats from a fellow Arkansas TB!!
  7. I bought a racing suit and found that the sizing guide was very accurate. I'd see where you fall within the chart and it should tell you where you may need some tailoring. I fit dead on with the 2XL... of course if I ever lose some of this gut it may be baggy around the middle, but that's not such a bad problem to have. http://static.speedwaymotors.com/images/ch...ng-stdsuits.gif
  8. I'm wondering if the Nerf CS-35 "Raider" would make a good starting point for a carbine along the lines of the first concept art Witness posted... thoughts? Because it already has the forward handle, if you got rid of the stock and drum magazine and added a sling, seems like you'd be in the ballpark.
  9. Like Dart, I constructed some foam core open-top boxes, but I made them a bit smaller and then wrapped some of my wife's tea towels around them, so they look filled-out but still have some "cushiness" to them.
  10. I was in my local Napa Auto Parts / Welding Supply today and came across a "Fibre-Metal" headband that had an attached bag of mounting hardware that -appears- to be identical to the 3M Speedglas bolts. I didn't buy it, so I wasn't able to measure and compare the two, but these things look dead on. The headband with hardware is about $11-12 online, and I don't know if they sell the hardware separately, but my local Napa guy is checking into it; I'll post a part number if they do. Anyway, just thought I'd pass it on, because some folks are saying the gray 3M bolts are getting harder to find.
  11. Nice work!! Congrats...
  12. Sometimes I'll give a full squeeze on the rivet gun and it will tighten the rivet but not fully cut it off. I just release my grip, choke up on the rivet end and squeeze again, and it finishes tightening and cuts off with no problem.
  13. Thanks for the pic!! Most helpful, sir.
  14. I'm about to start sewing the thigh straps and riding patches and had a question on how best to construct it... does the strap go 360 degrees around the leg or does it start at the front seam of the patch and continue around the outside of the leg, stopping at the back seam of the patch? Thanks in advance for your help! -Mike
  15. Good tip lonewolf... that would have been easier!
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