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501st Pathfinder
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acetheninja last won the day on June 5 2014

acetheninja had the most liked content!


12 Good

About acetheninja

  • Birthday 09/24/1991

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Orlando, FL
  • Interests
    Final Fantasy, Cars, Video Games, Engineering, Cats, Technology, Tattoos

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Makaze Squad
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. I never even considered making the surface more abrasive for a better hold..oh snap. Cool, I'll check Payless as well. I just know I don't want the feeling my feet had at Celebration Anaheim again.
  2. Thanks, Chex. I'll look into Target's boots and give the E6000 another go. I'll just be more liberal with it this time. My goal for the end of this year (I hope, anyway, cause I'm on my last 6 classes of college so who knows....) is to be Lancer.
  3. Hey guys, I'm going to be redoing my scout boots before Celebration Orlando, and had a couple of questions. First off, what is a good brand for the boots? The first ones I got from Walmart, and they're hell on my feet. By the third day I'm typically hating life. Second, what type of glue do you use? Now, specifically, I'm from Florida. My last boots I had to reglue several times, and that was using E6000. The dogbone would come off, or it'd start getting loose in the 'strap' on the toe, just very problematic. Thanks! Ace
  4. This should be stickied, it's an amazing tutorial!
  5. Approved! Say hello to TB-54012. =)
  6. Approved by GML, pending 501st Legion approval.
  7. That's phenomenal. I get tired of the constant poking and stabbing, and it does look like it's trying to kill my boots.
  8. For sure! I'm going to be getting a new flight suit sometime soon, and I'm going to have velcro attachments for everything. >=) Mwahaha. But on a side note, rounding my edges? Which ones in particular? I just want to make sure I don't sand them down too badly. >.>
  9. My girlfriend made them in time for Celebration 6 actually!
  10. I submitted it last week and they suggested some changes that were minor, and told me I'd be good to go. Just resubmitted yesterday with these photos! https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B76Kpzx-6HRsbmhzZEsxMDVzb2c&usp=sharing
  11. Application is submitted! At 501st.com and to my garrison leader.
  12. Had to make sure to throw in a fun picture. I'm glad to say I've come quite a long way, trying to troop in between studying Biomedical Engineering at UF and working all the time. I just got in contact with my GML, and will be sending him photos later to make sure I'm clear for submitting my application. Hopefully I'll see you guys soon!
  13. Boots are finished so I'll be suited up tomorrow. I sent you an email Jeff! =)
  14. They'll be remade as of tonight, so I'll be able to troop the next 3 days. My main goal isn't necessarily to get cleared during this con, but rather to be able to show off what I have done and make some kids smile. =) After the boots, I'll just be missing thermal det greeblies since the ones I ordered don't fit mine, and the knob for the tank on the back. Small enough details to where I can't be 501st, but to where people can still enjoy some front facing pics with me..
  15. So my girlfriend and I made some new boots for the convention that's in whelp..9 hours..and the problem is, we didn't make them high enough to be able to attach the holster, and didn't realize it until just now. =/ Everything else is 100%, so my question is should I troop without the holster? Or try and wait until after the con tomorrow to throw together another pair? Sigh. Frustrated.
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