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    Midwest Garrison
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  1. Thanks so much Stasz, i'll throw up some images later tonight when i get home. Really appreciate it. I really wanna clean up my biker, next is the belt, boots, and then pouches.
  2. Greetings troopers, I have had my pistol holster for awhile and it's coming apart. I'm not sure if i should go ahead and try to re-connect it via the bolts, or buy a new one? Can I even get a new one? LOL Anyway, hoping someone can answer this question. -River
  3. Gang, Thanks for the tip, i just ordered my set, now to chill and wait. Thanks again gang -River
  4. Double-approval! Thanks so much guys! Means a ton to get the helping hand! -River
  5. Thank you sir! -River
  6. Greetings fellow TB's. I'm nearing the completion of my TB (FINALLY) However, I've learned that I need a rebel rank badge to be placed on the back of my Thermal Detonator. I got my hard parts from SC but this was 'before' their newer version stuff which apparently comes with that piece. Is there some advice where I can find this piece? thanks to all who respond. -River
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