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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by JMJ74

  1. Do you think that is air you're breathing?.... Interesting.
  2. Oh great man, thank you for posting it! And sorry for the delay in getting back to ya and thanking ya for the info for you and Witness on the folding stock, holidays were very busy. So thanks guys!
  3. Looking cool there Witness! What kind of stock is that , and where did ya buy it from?
  4. Ack! Thank you for posting that link to the 501 boards, but slight problem for moi... I am not in the 501st yet, lol Don't suppose you can get him to post it here, or get permission to copy paste it on the BSN boards? Thank ya!
  5. Any word from the guy who made yours TB7024, on what he did for his build? How about you Witness, what did you manage to cook up?
  6. I am looking forward to seeing how one of those badboys are made. I gots me a brand new one just sitting there waiting for an extreme makeover.
  7. I like it! I don't suppose you have a break down for what you did, I have been looking for tutorial or a guide to mod me one like that. So, what did ya do there? lol
  8. Fantastic looking build, the Mrs is going to look great!!
  9. Looks sharp sir!
  10. Those look great!
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