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About TI-1574

  • Birthday 12/12/1967

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    Midwest Garrison
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  1. Yay! I'm glad people were able to get through it. RL came up for me, so I just sat back and watched the show. Hopefully, if there is another one, I'll be able to take another crack at it!
  2. WOW! Great close ups! Give these views - I have a new theory 0 if ya'll are interested. It looks as if the toe armour is indeed rigid, but given the height off the boot, appears to be attached to a fabric or vinyl "spring" which is in turn attached to the boot - giving the foot flexibility needed to move with looking like frankenstein. Whacha think? Plausible?
  3. I would love it! Let's see how the final project comes out before we worry about customs - but, yeah - sounds great! Cannot wait to see what ya'll talented people come up with!
  4. Sorry, been having family issues (my mom is sick) and haven't had a chance to review my pics for you. I promise I will get to as soon as I can. One thing though, PLEASE do not hold up your work on acount of me. What you have made is phenominal.
  5. I will work on that for you - hopefully this week I'll get them up.
  6. Before I got and play Devil's Advocate - I do have to say that your skill is WAY beyond anything I could ever try. That said, the perfectionist in me now comes out and I wanted to point out a couple things I noticed and think may improve the look... (my numbers correspond to the circles I put on the pic) 1. I think these are rectangular - not round. In looking at the reference pics you have provided as well as trying to pause my DVD, they really do not look round to me. 2. This looks a little smaller in the reference pics and a little closer to the top edge. 3. This also looks closer tot he top edge and even with the bottom of the center cap, not below it. Now, that being said, what you have done is great and I think will work, but you did ask... Thanks for indulging me.
  7. I do have a question regarding the chest plate... How do you envision the plate fitting the - uhm - more pectorally endowed memebers of the legion? I am no where near at flat chested as your manni, but I do want to build this armour for myself!
  8. I know that I am new, but I REALLY like this variation, so - here is my $0.02 on the boots. I think a tan/grey combo boot would be fine and then, like the storm troopers, have a calk armour piece that fits down over the ankle. After looking a the available pics (and I am going to go home and pause my DVD to look some more) it looks more like leg armour over boots to me! I havn't figure out the toe pice yet, but I'm working on it!
  9. I am so onboard for this! Any and all help would be GREATLY appreciated! I have scout armour (rough cut) that I plan on modifying, so I will be a frequent visitor here!
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