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501st Legion (RET)
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miqt last won the day on December 4 2015

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54 Excellent

About miqt

  • Birthday 01/29/1977

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    Ontario, Canada
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  • 501st Garrison
    Outer Rim Garrison

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  1. CB 5314. Finally :-) Thanks to all who supported me and gave me advice and help. I really appreciated it. I'll still be active on BSN helping Jae and Thea and Adam with their kits. Woooooooo!!!!!!
  2. Now working on Jae and Adams pouches with Adams help today. It was his first 501st costume work session.
  3. Thanks Dartski! We actually primed and base coated a bunch of Jae's parts the other day. a couple more days of +4 deg and we can have the whole thing ready for airbrushing this winter. I crank the fireplace and blow the warm air into the garage- helps some. Done by spring :-) Gonna start on his pouches tomorrow.
  4. Thanks Grumps!! Good to be back. Costume no done and in the box. Now pending approval.
  5. Just finishing touches needed now.
  6. Coming along. 6 or 7 more hours work.
  7. Still have to add the belt, the middle strip and the black detail bits.. And airbrush the thing.
  8. One way or another this build ends this week :-) gotta get this thing off my bench.
  9. Almost there: Glove tops!
  10. Almost done now. Just have to dye the fabrics I need for the bund, do the gauntlet tops, strap the knees and forearms, and paint the camo pattern on the suit, plus touch ups and whatever else Ive forgotten to put on the list :-) but seriously this is 90% now.
  11. Wow that was fast! Congrats! Great work.
  12. Riding patch applied to the coveralls and pockets cut but still need to be sewn onto the thighs.
  13. Outer shin greebs done- just need paint touch ups. happy with how they came out.
  14. Still working away. Putting a matte coat polyurethane on everything to protect the paint job. lost some of the subtle weathering in the process which I guess I kinda knew would happen. I guess I can always buff with steel wool and reapply a bit of weathering powder over the clearcoat. Im modding my shin greebs a bit to look a bit more like the refs and to go on in such a way that they will stay put forever.
  15. Right on! looks good. keep at it!
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